tom riddle: being childhood friends with them

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you're a muggle, and you've been staying in wool's orphanage for a while now. it's a quiet day, the children are outside playing, and you're inside your room, maybe reading or working on something mundane. you haven't heard from him in a while, and you can't help but wonder what he's been up to at that mysterious school of his.

suddenly, a knock sounds on your door. the noise echoes through the room, breaking the silence of your thoughts. you glance towards the door, curiosity stirring within you.

no one calls out from the other side, just a single sharp knock. it doesn't sound like one of the children, it's too firm, too deliberate. maybe it's one of the caretakers?

you set down whatever you were working on, sliding off the bed and making your way to the door. you rest your hand on the handle, hesitating for a moment. should you open it?

another knock comes, this time a little louder. curiosity wins out, and you slowly turn the handle, cracking the door open. on the other side stands a boy you immediately recognize.

he's standing there, his expression as unreadable as ever. his arms hang casually by his sides, his head tilted just slightly as he looks at you, not saying a word.

silence stretches between you, the air thick with unspoken thoughts, until he finally breaks it. "you've been wondering what i've been up to, haven't you?" he asks, his voice as cold and emotionless as always.

you nod, slightly taken aback by his sudden appearance.

he steps forward, entering the room without waiting for an invitation. he shuts the door quietly behind him, sealing the two of you off from the rest of the world.

turning to face you, his eyes lock onto yours with a subtle intensity. though his expression remains unchanged, there's something about his gaze that sends a shiver down your spine. "you haven't forgotten me, have you?" he asks, a hint of a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

quickly, you shake your head, meeting his gaze. "of course not," you reply, the words leaving your mouth almost automatically. "i could never forget you."

his smirk widens slightly, satisfied with your answer. he takes a few more steps forward, closing the distance between you. stopping just a few feet away, his eyes sweep over you, taking in every detail.

you feel a bit uncomfortable under his intense gaze, but you push the feeling down, opting to ask a question instead. "what brings you here?" you inquire, your voice a bit softer, more inquisitive.

the room falls silent for a moment before he finally speaks. "i wanted to see you."

you open your mouth to ask more, but he cuts you off before you can say anything.

"i've missed you," he says quietly, his tone soft, almost tender. his expression is still hard to read, but there's something in his voice that catches you off guard.

he seems to have a habit of throwing you off balance, and this moment is no exception. you have no idea where this is going, but you're powerless to say anything as he closes the distance between you, now standing directly in front of you.

you manage to find your voice, though it comes out a bit shaky. "why didn't you write to me?" you ask, your eyes searching his.

he lets out a small, scoffing chuckle, as if the answer should be obvious. "i was busy," he responds simply, as though that's explanation enough.

"you forgot about me, didn't you?" you accuse, your tone tinged with hurt.

his expression darkens at your accusation, his eyes narrowing slightly. "i didn't forget about you," he says, his voice sharper now. "i was only... distracted."

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