blaise zabini: thinking they only want you for your body

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you find yourselves cuddling together on the couch. he's mindlessly tracing and squeezing your thigh, his touch sending shivers down your spine. you try to shake off the feeling, thinking it's just a mindless gesture, but as he continues to explore your leg with his hand, the feeling of being objectified only grows stronger. each squeeze and caress feels like a reminder that he might be more interested in your body than in you as a person.

you take a deep breath and try to gather the courage to speak up. maybe you're just overthinking things. maybe he doesn't mean it that way. but before you can say anything, he suddenly withdraws his hand, sensing the shift in your mood.

he looks at you with concern, noticing the slight tension in your expression. "what's wrong?" he asks, his voice soft. you look away, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and shame. you don't want to seem needy or insecure, but the thought of being reduced to just a body is eating away at you.

you take a moment to gather your thoughts before finally speaking up. "i just... i can't help but feel like you're only interested in touching me," you confess, your voice barely above a whisper. you expect him to brush off your concerns or deny it, but his response surprises you.

he immediately sits up and turns to fully face you, his expression serious. "what makes you think that?" he asks, his voice gentle but firm. he looks genuinely confused and concerned, as if the idea of using you like that bothers him.

you take a deep breath, trying to find the right words to explain. "it's the way you touch me sometimes," you say, unable to help the slight tremble in your voice as you speak, your insecurities bubbling to the surface. "like you're just exploring my body without any emotion behind it."

he seems taken aback by your words, his expression softening with understanding. "oh," he says quietly, his hand reaching out to touch yours. "that's not what i mean to do. i'm just... enjoying being close to you, feeling your skin."

he pauses, searching for the right words. "sometimes when i touch you, it's just mindless, like autopilot i guess. especially when i'm tired or stressed," he admits, his fingers interlocking with yours.

"i didn't realize it was making you feel like i only touched you for your body," he says, his voice filled with remorse. "i just... i can't help but want to touch you when you're so close. i just like feeling your body against mine."

he chuckles lightly, raising his hands in a playful gesture of surrender. "if you want me to, i can stop touching you altogether," he says, a hint of amusement in his voice. "i can keep my hands to myself, i swear."

he leans back against the couch and puts his hands in his lap, a small gesture of acquiescence. "see? no touching," he says playfully. "i can be good, i promise."

"i... i don't want you to stop touching me," you admit quietly, your voice barely above a whisper.

he softens at your words, his shoulders relaxing slightly. he looks relieved, as if he has been holding his breath waiting for your response. "you sure?" he asks gently, his hands twitching slightly, as if he's resisting the urge to reach out and touch you.

you nod, a mixture of vulnerability and trust in your eyes. "yeah," you say softly. "i just don't want to feel like an object. i want you to touch me because you want to feel close to me, not just because you like my body."

he smiles, a mixture of relief and tenderness. "i do want to feel close to you," he assures you, his voice soft and sincere. "i just... sometimes my hands have a mind of their own. i get lost in the feel of you and forget to think about how it might come across."

he pauses, considering his next words. "i never want you to feel like just a body to me," he continues, his hand slowly reaching out to lightly trace along your jawline. "you're so much more than that. i'm sorry if i've ever made you feel otherwise."

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