mattheo riddle: drunk texting them after breaking up

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the memory of your tear-streaked face and the sobs that wracked your body when he last saw you crying haunts him

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the memory of your tear-streaked face and the sobs that wracked your body when he last saw you crying haunts him. he knows that if he doesn't come to you, you'll cry yourself to sleep in your dorm.

so, he finds himself walking to your dorm, his mind racing with thoughts of what could've made you so upset, and his heart heavy with concern for you.

as he finally reaches your dorm room, he hesitates for a moment, wondering if he's doing the right thing by coming over. but his worry for you wins out, and he raises his hand to knock on the door.

you hear the knock, and a mix of surprise and relief washes over you. quickly wiping your tears, you try to compose yourself before going to open the door.

as you open it, he stands there, his eyes immediately taking in your tear-stained face. his heart aches to see you like this, and he instinctively reaches out to pull you into a tight hug.

you're surprised by his unexpected hug, but you find yourself melting into it, feeling a sense of comfort in his embrace. you bury your face in his chest, letting out a soft sob.

he holds you tightly in his arms, his hand gently stroking your hair as he whispers comforting words. "shh, it's okay. i'm here now. you don't have to cry."

he leads you over to your bed and sits down with you in his lap, still holding you close. he can feel the tension in your body, the way you tremble as you cry silently against his chest.

gently rubbing your back, he tries to soothe you. "what can i do to help you sleep?" he asks, his voice filled with concern.

you look up at him, your eyes still brimming with tears. "i don't know..." you say softly, your voice shaky.

he takes your face in his hands, gently wiping away your tears with his thumbs. "do you want me to stay until you fall asleep?" he asks, his gaze full of tenderness.

you nod, feeling a sense of relief at his offer. "please," you whisper, your voice almost pleading.

he nods and gently maneuvers you so that you're both lying down on the bed. he pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you and holding you against his chest. "try to relax, okay?" he whispers, his fingers tracing gentle circles on your back.

he can feel the tension in your body begin to ease as he continues to hold you, his touch soothing and comforting. "just close your eyes and focus on my heartbeat," he says quietly. "try to match your breathing with mine."

you close your eyes and focus on the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, feeling the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. slowly, your own breathing begins to sync with his, and your body gradually relaxes in his arms.

he continues to rub your back, his touch gentle and calming. he can feel you slowly drifting off to sleep, your body becoming heavier in his arms.

"that's it," he whispers. "just let yourself fall asleep. i'm here, i'm not going anywhere."

he remains there, holding you in his arms, until he's certain you're asleep. only then does he gently shift to get more comfortable, still keeping you cradled against him.

as he holds you close, he can't help but whisper softly, his voice barely audible. "i love you," he murmurs, his lips brushing gently against your forehead. "i love you so much."

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