blaise zabini: having a crush on you in their pov

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she blushed at my compliment, and i felt my heart skip a beat.

damn it, why does she have to be so cute? i need to remind myself that we're just friends, but every time she looks at me with those eyes, it gets harder and harder to keep my feelings under control.

"i'm just being honest with you, just as i should be with all of my friends." i say, trying to keep my cool.

did i really just say that? i really just said that to her. now she's going to think i only see her as a friend.

friend... that word tastes like ash in my mouth.

"you're a really nice friend then," she replies with a sickeningly sweet smile on her frustratingly perfect lips that i want to kiss so badly.

oh, merlin's saggy left bollock. fuck my life.

my eyes widen as i hear her saying that forbidden word. it feels like a dagger straight to my heart. i want to tell her how i really feel about her, but i have to keep my emotions in check.

"aww, thank you," i reply, forcing a smile. "i consider you a great friend too."

the words feel like poison on my tongue. i don't want to be just friends with her, i want to be more than that. i want to be the guy who gets to hold her hand, and kiss her, and..

damn it all to hell.

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