tom riddle: sharing a bath with them as best friends

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after you endured an attack, paranoia gripped you, making it impossible to be alone, and they were too afraid to leave you by yourself. now, here you both are, sitting on opposite sides of a bathtub, with an excessive amount of bubbles filling the entire tub and covering your bare bodies.

as you sit in silence, your mind races, replaying the events that led to this moment. you can't help but wonder how everything spiraled into this, sharing a bathtub with your best friend, both of you completely exposed, the situation teetering between surreal and oddly comforting.


he seems completely unfazed by the situation, leaning against the edge of the bathtub with his gaze fixed on the ceiling. despite his stillness, something about him feels strangely familiar to you.

after a few moments of silence, he finally speaks, "these bubbles were unnecessary." his voice is calm, collected, but there's a hint of amusement in it. he turns his gaze towards you, studying you intently.

you blush slightly under his intense gaze, a mix of embarrassment and curiosity stirring within you. you try to cover yourself more with the bubbles, attempting to maintain some semblance of modesty in this unexpected situation.

he notices your effort and chuckles softly. "you need not worry about me taking unwanted looks at you," he says, humor lacing his words. "i assure you, i have more self-control than that."

a smirk plays on his lips. "although, i must say, it's quite fascinating how a simple bathtub can make one so self-conscious. is my presence really that unnerving to you?"

you feel both relief and annoyance at his words. "it's not your presence that's unnerving," you retort, trying to keep your voice steady. "it's the fact that we're both sitting here, completely naked, in the same bathtub. it's not exactly a normal situation, you know."

as you rest your arm on the edge of the bathtub, he notices the bruises that still linger on your skin, remnants of the attack you endured.

the moment he sees the bruises, something shifts in him. the sight of you marked by others stirs a possessive urge within him, an intense need to hold power over you in a different way. his eyes darken as his gaze lingers on the marks, his jaw clenching slightly.

his eyes lock onto the bruises, a flicker of concern and something else crossing his features. "i don't like the look of those on you," he says nonchalantly, though his tone betrays his true emotions.

he extends a hand towards your arm, gently tracing the outline of the bruise with his fingertips. his touch is unexpectedly gentle, almost tender.

"they're still healing," you explain, trying to sound casual, but there's an undertone of vulnerability in your voice.

he doesn't respond immediately, continuing to trace the bruise softly with his fingers. silence falls between you as he seems lost in thought, his expression unreadable.

he brings his face closer to your arm, his fingers still gently tracing the bruise. you can feel his breath on your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. he examines the bruise carefully, his gaze dark and contemplative.

he leans closer still, his lips now hovering just millimeters from your skin. you can feel the heat radiating from his body, the closeness of his face sending an irrational wave of anticipation through you. he stays like that for a moment, motionless, just studying the bruise on your arm. then, finally, he speaks, his voice a low, gravelly whisper. "do you trust me?"

his words hang in the air, heavy with implication. you're unsure what to make of the situation or where this is leading, but something in the intensity of his gaze makes you nod faintly.

he smiles slightly, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes as he sees your response. without a word, he brings his lips to your bruise, placing a soft, gentle kiss on the tender skin.

you gasp at the sudden feeling of his lips on your skin, the sensation sending a shockwave through your entire body. it's unexpected, but not unwelcome. his touch is gentle, almost reverent, as he continues to place light kisses along the bruise, his breath hot against your skin.

he moves slowly, kissing each part of the bruise with careful deliberation, as if trying to soothe the pain away with his touch. the atmosphere in the bathtub shifts, the air suddenly thick with tension and unspoken emotions.

his hands move lower, gently grasping your knees that are bent in the tub. he begins to place kisses on the bruises that adorn your knees, each kiss placed with the same tender care as those on your arm. his palms are warm against your skin, his fingers gently rubbing small circles.

with each kiss, you feel his tenderness, the way his lips linger on your skin, his touch almost like a balm to the pain you endured. your heart pounds in your chest, a mixture of confusion and desire coursing through your veins.

he continues his trail of kisses, his lips finding every bruise and scar on your skin. his eyes flicker up to meet yours, his gaze intense and possessive, as if he's claiming you with each kiss.

he pauses, resting his chin on one of your knees, his head tilted to the side as he looks up at you. his eyes are dark, his expression unreadable. for a moment, he just stays like that, his chin on your knee, his gaze locked onto yours.

his breath is warm against your skin, his presence both calming and exhilarating. there's something about his eyes, the way they bore into yours, that makes your heart beat faster. it's as if he's trying to see into the depths of your soul, to uncover secrets you didn't even know you were hiding.

he breaks the silence, his voice low and gravelly. "you're trembling," he observes, his eyes flickering over your body, taking in every detail. he chuckles softly, his chin still resting on your knee. "fear? anticipation? desire? i wonder which it is."

"maybe a little bit of all of those," he muses, his eyes never leaving your face. "but if i had to guess, i'd say it's the latter." he pauses, a smirk playing on his lips. "after all, there's a certain kind of excitement that comes with being alone in a bathtub with me, isn't there?"

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