tom riddle: thinking they only want you for your body

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he offered to help you with your studies, so when he invites you to his dorm room, you don't think much of it. but as he takes off his robe and sets it aside, you suddenly get the impression that he has different intentions.

preparing yourself for what you think will come next, you loosen your tie and begin undoing the first few buttons of your blouse.

he turns to look at you and freezes, his expression a mix of confusion and bewilderment. it's clear he didn't expect you to take things in that direction.

he simply stands there, eyes fixed on you, brow slightly raised in shock as he watches you unbutton your blouse. "what... what are you doing?" he asks, his voice a mix of surprise and bewilderment.

you pause, still holding onto the top button of your blouse, unsure how to explain your actions.

he steps closer, eyes never leaving yours. he gently places his hands on yours, slowly pulling them away from your blouse. "i think there's been some misunderstanding here," he says softly, his voice low and controlled.

his touch is firm but gentle, and you feel the warmth of his skin against yours as he holds your hands away from your blouse. "i offered to help you with your studies," he adds, his tone calm. "i didn't bring you here with any other intentions."

your cheeks burn with embarrassment as you realize your misinterpretation. "i... i thought you invited me here for... for something else," you finally stutter.

he sighs softly, a mix of confusion and amusement on his face. "no," he says simply. "that wasn't my intention. i invited you here solely to help with your studies."

he watches you for a moment, eyes flicking down to your blouse, which is still partially unbuttoned. he raises an eyebrow slightly, clearly trying to keep his thoughts to himself. "perhaps you should... fix that," he says, gesturing to your blouse.

realizing you're still standing with your blouse partially unbuttoned, you fumble with the buttons, your fingers trembling as you try to cover yourself.

he watches you struggle for a moment before gently taking your hands in his again. "here," he says softly. "let me."

he slowly and carefully buttons up your blouse, his fingers deftly maneuvering the buttons. his touch is light but sure, and you notice the contrast between his calm demeanor and your own flustered state.

as he buttons up your blouse, his fingers occasionally brush against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. his eyes focus on the buttons, his expression neutral, though you catch the slight clenching of his jaw as he works.

once he finishes adjusting your blouse and tie, he gives the fabric a few small tugs to ensure it's in place, even fixing your blouse's tuck. "there," he says faintly, as if he's been holding his breath.

he regards you for a moment, still trying to process what happened. "do you always act on such assumptions?" he asks softly but firmly. "not every guy has the same intentions as you think, you know."

"you see," he continues, "even if i had such intentions, i wouldn't act on them so quickly. you have to give these things time. rushing into something without considering the consequences..." he trails off, eyes flickering over your face.

he makes a small sound, almost a soft huff, and shakes his head. "a lady like you deserves to be wooed, not just used and discarded."

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