tom riddle: you being a vampire and biting them for the first time

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he patrols the halls on prefect duty, as he turns the corner, he spots you. a disagreement quickly ensues, but it's cut short when the two of you hear a professor approaching. without a second thought, he pulls you behind a nearby tapestry, not wanting you to get caught. "quiet," he whispers, pressing a finger to your lips as he moves closer, making your back press against the wall.

his head is turned toward the tapestry, giving you a perfect view of the tense muscles in his neck. the veins beneath his skin strain slightly. his adam's apple bobs as he swallows, drawing your gaze to the exposed skin of his neck. his breathing is steady, controlled, yet you can sense the subtle pulse of his jugular vein. your eyes linger on that spot, the urge to bite into the soft flesh growing stronger by the second. you find yourself leaning closer to his neck.

suddenly, he turns his head toward you, catching you off guard. he looks at you with a mix of surprise and curiosity, noticing your intent. a hint of a smirk tugs at the corner of his lips. "tempted?" he asks, amusement lacing his voice, clearly aware of the effect he's having on you. as he speaks, his eyes flick down to your lips. "go on," he says. "take a bite."

"you're... allowing me to bite you?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper, hardly daring to believe it.

he chuckles lowly, the sound sending a shiver down your spine. he inclines his head, offering his neck to you. "i'm allowing it, yes," he says with a hint of arrogance. "and it seems like you're struggling to resist the temptation."

"you're awfully confident in your power over me," you reply, your voice strained. "yet you're willing to let me bite you, knowing it's going to hurt?"

he raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "i'm confident in many things," he says, the arrogance in his voice barely contained. he pauses, his eyes never leaving yours. "and yes, i'm aware it will hurt. i'm not afraid of pain. in fact, i might even enjoy it."

he leans closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "but let's not forget who is truly helpless here. you're the one struggling to resist, trying to hold back the urge to sink your teeth into my flesh. i, on the other hand, am willingly offering myself to you."

his arrogant words, coupled with his taunting, become too much to bear. your restraint snaps, and before you can stop yourself, you lunge forward, sinking your teeth into the soft flesh of his neck.

he inhales sharply, his eyes widening in surprise at your sudden action. he curses under his breath, his hands balling into fists as he tries to maintain control. the sensation of your teeth piercing his skin is both painful and oddly pleasurable.

you slowly retract, reluctantly pulling away from his neck. he clears his throat, steadying himself before speaking. "that was... unexpected." he touches his neck, his fingers coming away slightly stained with blood. he stares at the red liquid for a moment before looking back at you. "again, that was too sudden."

you pull back slightly, shock and disbelief on your face. "excuse me? are you some kind of masochist?" you ask incredulously.

he chuckles weakly, his voice strained and tinged with pain. "i prefer the term 'willing participant,'" he explains, his eyes locking with yours. "and as for being a masochist, it's more that i enjoy the sensation of your teeth in my skin."

he leans closer, a hint of challenge in his gaze. "i'd say i'm more of a sadist, but there are exceptions i might consider." he grimaced slightly as he moves, his hand reflexively going to the wound on his neck. "will you do it again?" he asks.

you look at the wound on his neck, the blood trickling down his skin a stark reminder of the consequences. "are you serious?" you exclaim, concern lacing your words. "you're already bleeding quite a bit. it might not be wise to do it again so soon."

his expression remains stoic, the pain betraying him only slightly. "i'll be fine," he insists, his voice low and determined. "i can take it." he holds your gaze, his eyes practically daring you to continue.

you give in and lean in once more, pressing your lips against the sensitive flesh of his neck as you prepare to bite him again. his hand comes up, tangling in your hair, holding you close to him as if guiding your movements.

he suddenly shifts his weight and grabs you, swiftly reversing the situation so that your back is no longer against the wall, but his is. his hands firmly on your hips, he presses his body against yours. his head tilts to the side, granting you easy access to his neck once more.

your eyes dart to his collar, noticing the spots of blood that have transferred from his neck to his shirt. there's something undeniably attractive about the sight of him, leaning against the wall, his body pressed against yours, with the unmistakable evidence of your bite mark on his neck.

"i think this is a much better position," he murmurs, his voice slightly hoarse from the earlier pain. "so go on, don't stop now."

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