mattheo riddle: kissing you for the first time

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you were having a playful argument with him in the halls in the middle of the night. you narrow your eyes at him, pretending to be angry. "i am done with you, goodnight," you say sarcastically and playfully as you turn on your heels to walk away.

he chuckles softly, amused by your playful demeanor as you start to walk away.

"no wait," he says, grabbing your hand before you can go. "don't leave me. you can't just leave." he says playfully.

you pull your hand away as you giggle and run off.

"hey!" he laughs, "come back here!" he says as he starts to chase after you.

you laugh as you run along the dark halls.

he chuckles at the sound of your laughter, catching up to you and grabbing you from behind, pulling you close in an embrace.

you stop running as he catches you, still laughing. "oh, who's this stranger embracing me from behind?" you say sarcastically.

he chuckles softly, finding your sarcasm amusing. your playful nature makes him fall even deeper in love with you.

"don't you recognize me?" he asks softly, his voice muffled as he nuzzles his nose into your neck affectionately.

"hmm... no, sorry, i don't talk to strangers. i have a best friend who'll kill you if he finds out you're touching me like this," you say jokingly.

he chuckles into your neck, enjoying your banter. "oh really?" he replies, "and who is this best friend of yours?"

"mattheo riddle, heard of him before?" you continue with your act.

he chuckles softly, amused by your playfulness. "hmm... well, i hate to break it to you... but i am mattheo riddle," he says, his breath warm against your neck.

"no way..." you say jokingly.

he chuckles softly, amused by your playful denial, before placing soft kisses on your neck, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. "yes way..." he mumbles, his voice muffled against your skin. his hands move up to your shoulders, giving them a light squeeze before he turns you around to face him.

he smiles in adoration as he sees your face, his arms moving back down to your waist before he begins to shower your face with soft kisses, starting with your forehead, then down to your cheeks, over to the tip of your nose, and down to your jawline. he might be crossing a line with you now, but the moment just feels right.

as you don't protest, he slowly backs you up against a wall, holding you close. he continues to place soft kisses on you, gently nuzzling your skin as he mumbles, "you drive me crazy, you know that?" he says before he finally moves to your lips, his lips gently meeting yours as he kisses you softly.

his arms wrap tighter around your body as pulls you closer against him. his tongue gently ran along your bottom lip, seeking entry into your mouth.

as you part your lips slightly for him you feel him smile against your lips, as his tongue then slowly slid into your mouth. he lets out a soft hum of pleasure, his tongue exploring inside your mouth for a moment longer before intertwining with yours, gently meeting and touching in a slow, sloppy kiss. after a few moments, he eventually leans back from you, breaking the kiss as he takes a breath.

"you..." he trails off as he admires your face. he chuckles softly, looking down at you as he spoke. "you're a very good kisser..." he says, a hint of huskiness in his tone, "you know that..?" he says. "very good at making me feel things..." he mumbles.

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