mattheo riddle: showing up drunk at your door

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you hear loud banging on your door late at night, the sudden noise shaking you out of your peace. confused and a bit disoriented, you make your way to the door, with a hint of curiosity and caution, you open the door to find him standing there, his eyes red and his words already slurring. "i am obsessed with you."

you can't help but blurt out a bewildered "what?" in response, your confusion evident in your tone. without giving you a chance to react, he waves off your question and pushes past you, staggering into the room. he makes his way to the wall, leaning against it heavily as if the weight of his own body is too much to handle.

he leans against the wall, his body heavy and unbalanced. he lets out a whine, a sound of both frustration and need. he struggles against himself, his fingers fidgeting with the fabric of his shirt as if he's fighting an internal battle. his eyes gaze at you, filled with a mix of neediness and intoxicated stupor.

as he stumbles forward, his footing faltering, you automatically ask him, "are you okay?" your concern overriding any other thoughts. he lurches towards you, his balance completely off. his stumble brings you both dangerously close to the floor, and you reach out to stable him.

he mumbles something incoherent in a whine as he stumbles and falls to the ground, collapsing at your feet. in his drunken state, he refuses to let go of you, his hands gripping onto your lower body with unexpected strength. he clings to you like a child, his face buried against your legs.

you look down at him, concern and a mix of emotions flickering across your face. he clings to you desperately, his breath hot against your skin. he mutters something into your legs, but the words are too muffled to make out. his hands grip you tighter, seeking comfort and closeness.

he lifts his face from your legs, looking up at you with hazy eyes, a hint of determination in his gaze. his words slur together, but you manage to make out what he's saying. "please, don't tell me to leave." he squeezes you tighter, his hands gripping your legs with a desperate fervor.

he looks up at you his eyes pleading, a hint of vulnerability seeping through his drunken haze. "i don't want to leave.." he repeats, his voice thick with emotion. "i want to stay here, with you." he reaches a hand up, gently grasping your wrist, as if silently asking you to join him on the floor. his touch is needy, his intentions clear despite his intoxicated state.

he pulls on your wrist weakly, trying to coax you down to the floor beside him. he looks up at you, his gaze a mixture of drunken neediness and a subtle, raw desire.

as he tugs on your wrist insistently, a silent plea from him, you feel the last of your resistance crumbling. with a sigh, you slowly lower yourself to the floor beside him, folding your legs underneath you.

he slumps against you, his arms wrapping around your waist in a needy embrace. he nuzzles his face into your lap, seeking comfort in your presence. his hands grip the fabric of your clothes, his fingers fiddling with the material absently.

he lifts his head slightly from your lap, his eyes looking up at you. his words come out in a mumbled, slurred whisper. "you're so warm..." he mutters, his voice full of neediness. he squeezes you tighter, nuzzling his face back into your lap, seeking the comfort of your warmth and closeness.

he buries his face deeper into your lap, the words coming out muffled and a bit jumbled, as he speaks. "what's wrong with me..?" he lifts his head up, his unfocused eyes seeking yours. "i'm so obsessed with you.. i can't- i can't get you out of my head. i hate how you've got me like this.."

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