draco malfoy: finding them in a bad state after you randomly disappeared

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you step into the room, and both of you jump a little when you see each other. he was just walking toward the door, but you barged in, leaving him completely flabbergasted.

as you both catch your breath, you take in the sight of him. he looks disheveled, as if he hadn't slept or ate properly in days. his eyes are sunken, and there are bags under them, and his hair is a messy tangle.

despite the awkwardness, he suddenly pulls you in, his arms wrapping tightly around you. his head rests on your shoulder as he squeezes you close. you can feel his body shaking slightly, and after a moment, you realize he's crying.

he pulls back to look at you, his tear-streaked face reflects a mix of confusion and pain. his questions spill out quickly and frantically, his voice trembling with emotion. "why did you leave like that? did i do something wrong? was i not good enough? where did you go? what happened? i missed you so much..." he asks, his voice cracking with each word.

you reach out and gently wipe away a few tears from his face. "no, draco no. it wasn't anything you did."

he struggles to maintain his composure as he alternates between letting out choked sobs and forcing a weak smile. in his attempt to regain his composure, he takes your hand and starts playing with your fingers, finding some small comfort in the familiar gesture. then, he brings your hand to his face, gently pressing it against his cheek. his eyes close as he leans into your touch.

he sniffles a little, and you feel a lump in your own throat as you witness the vulnerability in his actions. you gently trace your thumb across his cheek, silently offering him whatever reassurance you can.

his eyes open, and he looks at you with a mix of emotions. "please," he whispers, his voice breaking "don't disappear like that again."

your heart aches as you hear his plea, and you nod reassuringly. "i won't. i'm here now, and i'm not going anywhere."

a small, fragile smile appears on his face as he hears your words. still holding your hand, he gestures for you to sit down on the bed with him. he gently guides you down onto the bed, pushing you to lay down just enough for him to rest his head on your chest.

you run your fingers lightly through his hair, offering silent comfort as he rests against you. tears stream down his face, trickling onto your shirt as he cries quietly. despite his happiness and relief, the heat of the moment is overwhelming. he clings to you, finding solace in your embrace.

you wrap your arms gently around his trembling frame as your fingertips draw soothing circles on his back. the quiet sobs continue, but in this moment, there's a certain peace in their release.

he gradually calms down, the tears subsiding as his breathing evens out. he nestles closer to you, finding security in your arms. the exhaustion finally catches up with him, and his body relaxes against you. his breathing becomes steady and deep as he drifts off into a weary yet contented sleep. his face, now tear-streaks, looks peaceful in his rest.

in his sleep, he murmurs your name, the sound so quiet and tender. and then, ever so softly, you hear him whisper "i love you."

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