blaise zabini: baking something for them but they don't like it

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you take the time to bake a special treat for him. when you offer him the freshly baked good, a warm smile lights up his face. he takes a bite, and you wait eagerly for his response.

he doesn't chew. he holds it in his mouth for a moment, glancing past you with a hint of surprise. "there's something behind you," he says quietly, trying to keep a straight face.

confused but trusting his word, you turn around, searching for whatever it is he might have seen. as soon as your back is turned, he quickly spits out the treat into a napkin, his eyes crinkling with suppressed laughter.

when you turn back to face him, he's doing his best to hold back his laughter, his eyes still darting behind you as if there's something there. he struggles to keep his composure, but a faint grin tugs at the corners of his mouth.

"did you see it?" he asks, fighting to stifle his laughter, his voice filled with feigned concern. "it was right behind you."

you glance behind you again, still puzzled. nothing seems out of the ordinary. you give him a confused look, wondering what on earth he's talking about.

he, barely holding it together, bites the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing outright. he leans closer to you, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

"maybe it's gone now," he says, though his voice trembles with suppressed chuckles.

"is it good?" you ask, a touch of disappointment creeping into your voice.

he stifles another wave of laughter, forcing a smile. "of course," he manages to say between chuckles, his voice a little strained. he doesn't want to hurt your feelings, so he plays along, trying his best to sound sincere.

"it's... delicious." his lips twitch with the effort of holding back his laughter as he looks at you with a barely concealed smirk.

your face lights up at his response, the disappointment fading at his praise. "really?" you ask, hopeful.

he nods, the corners of his lips twitching. "yes, absolutely," he replies, though his voice shakes slightly. he knows he's being less than honest, but he can't bring himself to tell you he'd just spit out the treat into a napkin hidden behind his back.

softening, he reaches out and gently touches your cheek, a warm smile finally breaking through. "thank you, love," he says with affection. "it was a lovely gesture. but next time, maybe we can bake together, hm?"

his fingers trace along your cheek, his touch tender, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "i could be the taste-tester while you handle the baking. that way, i can make sure every treat is absolutely perfect, just like you."

he pulls you closer, his hand still on your cheek as he gazes into your eyes. "and maybe, while you're not looking, i'll sneak a taste or two," he adds with a wink.

his gaze is full of affection as he holds you close, his thumb gently brushing your cheek. "i love how sweet you are," he says softly, his voice sincere.

he leans in and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. "and i love that you thought of me," he murmurs, his breath warm against your skin. "i promise, next time, we'll bake something together, okay?"

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