draco malfoy: trying to kill them but they become interested in you

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he stays silent. gazing at you as you hold him at wand point.

"what? cat got your tongue?" you say.

he finally finds his voice. "no, just... trying to wrap my head around this whole situation." he says, his eyes still fixed on you. he can't deny the fact that he's drawn to you, despite the fact that you could easily cast a spell and end him right where he stands.

he swallows hard, his mouth suddenly dry. "so, what now?" he asks, trying to keep his voice steady.

"any last words?" you say, your voice harsh and cold.

his heart pounds even faster in his chest as he registers your words. "last words?" he echoes. he glances down at the wand trained on his chest, then back up at you.

he thinks for a moment, his mind racing with a thousand different thoughts. he takes a step forward, his hands still raised. "can i ask you one question first?" he says.

you raise an eyebrow, surprised but intrigued. "depends on the question." you reply, keeping the wand steady in your hand. "go on then, ask." you say.

he takes a breath before speaking, his eyes never leaving yours. "is there any chance that i could convince you not to do this?" he asks, his voice soft and earnest.

he takes another step closer to you, his heart pounding even faster in his chest.

you pause for a moment, caught off guard by his question. you lower your wand a few inches, just barely. "and why should i spare you?" you ask coolly, your eyes searching his face for any hint of deception.

he takes another tentative step closer, now only a few feet away from you. he looks into your eyes, his expression earnest. "because i can offer you something more valuable than my life," he says quietly.

you raise an eyebrow, interested in what he has to say. "oh yeah? what's that?" you ask, your voice just as icy as before, but there's a hint of curiosity in your eyes.

he takes a deep breath and takes another step forward  until he's standing mere inches from you. he looks into your eyes, his heart pounding in his chest. "me." he says simply, his voice soft and sincere. "i can give you me." he says.

you raise an eyebrow, slightly surprised by his words. "you?" you ask.

he takes another small step forward, now close enough to feel your breath on his face. he can see the slight widening of your eyes, the way your hand on your wand almost drops just a fraction.

he takes another step closer, his body almost pressed against yours now. he reaches up slowly, gently covering your hand with his own, still holding the wand. he can feel the slight tremble in your hand, the way your breath catches in your throat.

"yes, me." he says softly. "i can give you... everything." he says.

your breathe hitches in your chest as you feel his body press up against yours, the heat radiating from him. you're caught off guard by the way your heart races at the touch, the way your body betrays you.

he leans in closer, his voice a mere whisper against your ear. "and i do mean everything." he says, his breath warm against your skin.

he can feel the way your body responds to his touch, the way your heartbeat quickens at his words. he takes another tiny step forward, now standing so close that you're almost pressed up against the wall.

he gently takes the wand from your hand and sets it aside. "everything." he repeats, his voice low and husky. "body, mind and soul." he says.

you can feel the heat radiating from him as he backs you up against the wall, his body pressing against you. he leans in even closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he speaks. "everything." he repeats again, his voice low and soft. "all of me, all for you." he says.

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