blaise zabini: sharing a bath with them as best friends

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after you endured an attack, paranoia gripped you, making it impossible to be alone, and they were too afraid to leave you by yourself. now, here you both are, sitting on opposite sides of a bathtub, with an excessive amount of bubbles filling the entire tub and covering your bare bodies.

as you sit in silence, your mind races, replaying the events that led to this moment. you can't help but wonder how everything spiraled into this, sharing a bathtub with your best friend, both of you completely exposed, the situation teetering between surreal and oddly comforting.


the silence is unbearable, and you find yourself growing increasingly uncomfortable, even though the warm water offers some comfort. finally, you muster up the courage to break the silence. "um, this is awkward," you mumble, avoiding direct eye contact.

he chuckles awkwardly, clearly feeling the same tension. "yeah, i know," he replies, his eyes focused on the bubbles floating on the surface of the tub. "i never thought we'd end up like this."

"i mean, it's not like we had much choice," you say, trying to rationalize the situation. "you refused to leave me alone, and it's not like we could shower together."

a mischievous grin tugs at the corner of his lips, a hint of his old self peeking through. "well, technically, we're already showering together," he jokes, gesturing to the water surrounding you both.

you can't help but roll your eyes at his attempt at humor. "you know what i mean," you say, splashing some water in his direction. "we're not actually showering. we're just sitting here, not doing anything productive."

he splashes water back at you, an amused smile playing on his lips. "well, i wouldn't say we're not doing anything. we're bonding."

you chuckle at his sarcasm. "yeah, sure. nothing says bonding like sitting naked in a bathtub together," you say sarcastically.

he laughs again, enjoying your playful banter. "i guess you're right," he says, reaching out to scoop up some bubbles in his palm. "but we could always start washing each other's backs, you know."

your cheeks flush at his suggestion, and you swat his hand away jokingly. "no way," you say, though a flutter of anticipation shoots through you at the thought.

he laughs, the sound echoing off the tiled walls of the bathroom. "hey, we're being exposed to each other's bodies. nothing strengthens a friendship like that, right?"

he gazes at you, the corner of his lips curling into a mischievous smile. "i mean, we're seeing each other in our most vulnerable state. it's almost poetic, in a way. there's nowhere to hide, no secrets between us. it's just bare skin and exposed truths." his eyes roam over your body, but there's no lust or desire in them, just a sense of familiarity and comfort.

"it's like we're peeling away layers," he continues. "the layers of clothes, the layers of masks we wear in front of others. here, it's just us, the rawest version of ourselves." he pauses, his hand idly swirling the water in front of him. "i feel closer to you now than i ever have before."

he leans back against the bathtub, his body relaxing. "i know it's uncomfortable on some level, but at the same time, it feels oddly liberating. like we've crossed a line we can never go back from. and maybe that's not such a bad thing, right?"

you reflect on his words, contemplating the truth in them. despite the awkwardness of the situation, you can't help but feel a sense of connection with him, a bond strengthened by your shared nudity. "i guess you have a point," you admit, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.

"although," he adds, a hint of mischief returning to his voice, "i have to say, i'm pleasantly surprised by the view."

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