tom riddle: progressively becoming insanely obsessed with you

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tom's diary
8th september

y/n y/l/n. i could feel it before i even looked up, a strange pull in the air, as though something important had shifted. i have crossed paths with many people, but she did not shy away, did not shrink beneath my gaze like the others. there was something in her eyes that intrigued me. a challenge, perhaps? interesting.


your diary
september 8,

tom riddle. he is unlike anyone i've met before. there's something... unsettling about him. not in a bad way, but in a way that makes me aware of his presence at all times. the room feels colder, sharper when he's near. when he looks at me, i feel as though he's seeing something i don't even know about myself.


tom's diary
11th september

i find myself thinking of her more often than i care to admit. it is strange. i have never been the type to be distracted by trivialities, let alone another person. but there she is, her presence lingering in the back of my mind. i told myself this would pass. a mere curiosity. and yet... it hasn't.

there is something about her. something i cannot quite place.


tom's diary
18th september

she has done nothing to me other than look at me, and yet, she continues to inhabit my thoughts, and i cannot explain why.

it has been days, and i cannot get her out of my mind. i have tried everything, reading, casting spells, writing in this wretched diary. a simple girl has managed to ensnare me with her presence. it's ridiculous. yet here i am, imagining the sound of her voice, the way she looks at me. i need to find out more about her.


your diary
september 20,

i caught tom watching me again today.
it's becoming more frequent. i don't know if it's my imagination, but it feels like every time i turn around, he's there. watching. he never says much, but when he does, his words always leave me thinking long after he's gone. there's an intensity about him... it's almost magnetic.

but what does he want?


tom's diary
20th september

i noticed today that she occupies my thoughts far more than anyone should.

she was speaking with another today. i watched her, though she didn't know. the way she smiled, effortless, captivating. it was infuriating how easily she could ignore my presence, how unaware she is of the effect she has.

i don't like it. no. she shouldn't be so free to dismiss me.


tom's diary
24th september

i cannot seem to get a glimpse into her mind. she is unreadable, and it is maddening.

i have spent hours attempting to discern her, to understand her. i cannot stand not knowing her. what does she think of me?

she has shown no obvious interest in me. no fear, no desire, no attraction. nothing. it is infuriating. yet i am drawn to her.


your diary
september 25,

something's off with tom. he's been acting strange, almost like he's... preoccupied by something. me, maybe? no, that's ridiculous. why would tom riddle be preoccupied with me?

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