theodore nott: writing about you after they killed you

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i never thought it would come to this. how had it gone so wrong? now, she lies there, unmoving, her eyes closed in a way that should only be peaceful in sleep but is anything but. i never intended this, not truly. but what excuse do i have now?

but merlin, i loved her. even now, i can't deny it, maybe that's what made this all so hard, the fact that i can still remember the way her voice would hitch in the middle of a sentence when she said my name, the way she'd try to hide her smile when i stood beside her. there was a time when every touch felt like electricity running over my skin and every word out of her lips felt like the rarest form of poetry.

i can't pretend that my hands didn't twitch every time i saw her, or that my eyes didn't always linger on the curve of her neck, or that i didn't want nothing more than to run my hand through her hair just to see if it was as soft as it looked.

i was a fool to think that i could have it all, that i could have control over what happened. control over her. now, she's gone, and it's all my fault. and all that's left in the world is that she loved me. and i loved her.

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