Happy Ending or Beginning.? (Pt.II)

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Ali P.O.V

Since Kota left me, I had to ask Chy to take me home. On the way back to the house, I noticed a sudden change in her.

Me: Chy?

Chyna: Hm?

Me: Babe, what's wrong?

Chyna: *sighs* ......Me and Michael are no longer together.

Me: What? Since when?

Chyna: Since last year. When we brought you, the twins, and Dakota back here.

Me: What happened?

Chyna: *sighs, again*

Me: I-If its too much, you don't have t-(gco)

Chyna: No, it's fine.................You know how I was friends with Kim and her family?

Me: Yeah?

Chyna: Well, while I was too busy hanging out with her, I wasn't paying attention to to her trifling little sister and his ass. Long story short, I saw them at Nobu. All hugged up and kissing and shit. And what you guys didn't know was that his ass proposed that same damn day.

She laid her head on the steering wheel and I just looked at her like 'Bitch, the fuck you doing?!' and looked up to see that we're in our driveway. I rubbed her back and she started crying. When I was getting out the car, I turned off her truck, pulled out her keys, grabbed her purse, and went over to her side.

I opened her door and helped her get out and into the house. When we entered, I called Kota's name but, got no response. Chy went into the kitchen and grabbed her a tub of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream and and sat on the couch. I went to go look for Dakota but, still didn't find her. I called her phone and it went straight to voicemail. It must be dead. So, I headed back into the living room and decided that we will watch Netflix until she and the twins get back.


*Emergency Alert Sound*

Chyna: Ah, fuck! That shit is loud!

Me: Who you telling!

I grabbed my phone to stop that loud ass noise and seen it was telling me that there was a shooting by a hotel. I thought nothing of it and locked my phone. Then, the news popped on and it was talking about the shooting, too. Chy was so tuned into it, that she grabbed the remote and turned it up.

"It was said that it was just a family outing when a man walked up to the mother of two and pointed a gun right between her eyes. The father-"

Us: 😱 Oh. My. God.

Dakota P.O.V


He joined me and then, he received a call and excused himself to go answer it. While he was on the phone, made sure that the twins still had on their beanies and hoods on because it was starting to become chilly and windy. Milan took off his beanie but, it was still on his head well, sitting on top of his head. *chuckles*

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now