Nurse Reecé (Body On Me)

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Before you read, play the song in the mm or if you have it on your phone, then play it to get the feel of this chapter.

And also, Dustin is going to be doing the most talking, Dakota here and there but, mainly Dustin. So, that was a heads up.

You may continue. 😊

Dustin P.O.V

It's been two weeks since Isaiah and I have been awake. And speaking for myself, it feels pretty damn good to see my family, kids, and the most beautiful woman I call Nurse Reecé. *smiles*

I was in the room, alone because the doctor wanted Isaiah and I to have separate rooms because of what happened two weeks ago. I guess it was cool. *shrugs* Anyways. It's 9:30 at night and this is the time Dakota usually walks around to check on the patients and I think right about now she should be walking out of Isaiah's room and coming into mine.

*Knock Knock*

Me: Come in!

Dakota: (walks in) Hey! How are you feeling?

Me: Good, now. *smiling*

Dakota: *cleared her throat* I can see that.

I followed what she was looking at...*groaned* and seen that my dick was rising through the sheets. I looked up at her and seen she was giggling. This happened every time she came in here to check on me.

Dakota: I hope I'm not the cause of you getting aroused.?

Me: I think you are. Because it doesn't happen whenever Ruby or the rest come in here.

Dakota: Oh. *cleared her throat, again* Um, you need anything?

Me: Yeah.

Dakota: What?

Me: .........You.

Dakota: 😳

Me: Come here.

She slowly walked over to me as if she was unsure but, finally made it in front of me. I motioned her to come closer until our lips were an inch away. I used my thumb and index finger to place her lips upon mine.

Her lips are really, really, really soft. I just want to lick and suck on them. Stopping myself, I opened my eyes slowly, leading up to her eyes. We stared at one another for a minute or two and realized what was happening. She took off her shoes and pulled the sheets back, slowly climbing on top of me. I rested both of my hands on her hips, gliding up underneath her shirts, feeling that soft skin underneath my fingertips. Helping her take off her shirts, I was greeted with a black and red lace bra that held up her perfect round breast and tugging at her pants and soon enough they were on the floor, exposing her panties to match her bra and as well,... I lifted both of her legs into the air while she pulled them off and on the floor. I pulled her towards me and started kissing her, again. I began leaving her lips, lingering down to her jaw to her neck then, to her chest.

Sitting the both of us upright, I reached for the clasps to her bra and released her perfectly round breasts and watched as they bounced, sitting up right. Since I didn't have anything over my chest except for the bandages, she reached for my shorts and slipped them off with my boxers, too and threw them both on the floor with the rest of her clothes. Flipping us over so, I was on top, I grabbed a condom from my wallet and applied it on my dick. I looked up at her, making sure she was alright and she was. Pushing her legs up so they were on the side of me, I positioned myself and slowly entered. I heard her hissing and realized that she hasn't been touched in awhile and decided that I'm going to take it slow. Easing myself inside of her some more, her nails were deepening into my skin the more further I slid myself in.

Me: Been awhile?

Dakota: (nodding) Yeah.

Me: Don't worry, I'll be gentle.

Dakota: Ok.

I leaned down and starting kissing her while starting my strokes.

Dakota P.O.V

His strokes were nice and slow. Long but, slow, just like he said. I've haven't felt this good in a damn long time and if I say so, I certainly do deserve this after what my ass went through. I mean the both of us deserve to feel good after almost losing each other. But, for right now, I'm going to let him make me feel good.

Dustin P.O.V (cont.)

Every stroke I've given her, her face expressions changed and arching her back more and more. Here and there she would let a moan slip out but, she's been doing good keeping quiet because I would hate for her to get caught having sex on the job. But, I mean,...*chuckles* she's doing a job well done taking of me. *smirks*

She pulled my head down and started whispering some shit in Spanish and then, I think in Korean. I didn't care what she was saying because that shit was sounding sexy as hell and that gave me a little initiative to speed up a tad bit.

Dakota P.O.V

Ahhhh! Fuck! That shit feels good!

Dustin P.O.V (cont.)

We're doing good so far but, I hate that I have to switch it up and ruin the silence........a little bit.

Having my head in the crook of her neck, I planted wet kisses and worked my way down. But, while doing so, I started leaving passion marks all down her body. Even on her heavenly flower (which smells like roses).

First, I grabbed her left leg, placing it over my shoulder while pushing her right leg out. Next, I licked down her lips and back up. Then, I did it again and again and on my way back down, my tongue slowly entered and separated her folds, gliding up and down her clit, flicking my tongue. Having her jerk every time I touched the real sensitive part. Having to hold her in place so the bed won't hit against the wall, I grabbed her other leg and placed it on my shoulder and continued. Swirling, flicking, biting her pearl for about 20 to 30 minutes until she was about to cum. I slid back in and flipped us over once again and told her to start riding.

In mm: Rita Ora ft. Chris Brown x Body On Me

There's going to be a Part 2 to this. Didn't want to make this chapter loooong. And sorry if this scene wasn't good.

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P.s.: If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!

And also........go check out my girl, _dec13_'s books. They're really, really, REALLY good and you won't be disappointed!

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