4 1/2 Months Later (Pt. 2)

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Dustin POV (cont.)


So we started watching the movie and we was dying laughing at Madea and Mr. Brown. But for some reason I was having a funny feeling in my stomach that I just couldn't shake. I told why I've been going back to the bars and even made up with Dakota but there was something I just couldn't think of. Oh well, it'll come back- OHMYGOD!

How in the hēll could I forget that I told Kelly I took 2.5 grand from Dakota, to buy a new car and other stuff. And she has a camera on the balcony. I just hope she doesn't look at the tape. 🙏

**Next Day**

[In Dakota's Bed]

Me: We haven't thought of any names for my babies.

Dakota: You mean OUR babies. And I have.

Me: Ok, what are they?

Dakota: For the boy, Milan and since you always call me by my middle name, I chose Amori. I just added the "i".

Me: Milan and Amori. *smiles*

Dakota: Now, you can chose their middle names.

Me: What about Michael and Michaela?

Dakota: I like Michael but Michaela, no.

Me: Ok, how about Jamellah?

Dakota: *thinks* Amori Jamellah Breeding.

Me: Milan Michael Breeding.


**2 Days Later.......

It was 3am and I was in pain. Every time I get into a different position, the contractions get worse than before. They weren't letting me sleep, so I decided to get up and go walk around the house for a little bit. When I got to the kitchen, I felt something trickling down my leg and I looked to see that my water broke and blood was coming out. Wtf?! I was about to scream Dustin's name but then I remembered that he's not here. I picked my phone and called him.

***Phone Conversation***

Dustin: Hello?

Me: Dustin, I need you.

Dustin: What's wrong?

Me: My....my water broke and I'm bleeding.

Dustin: What?! Ok...ok, I'll be there!

Me: Ok, hurry!

***Phone Convo Ended***

After I called Dustin, I called Chris and Michael and told them that my water broke and asked them how fast can they all get out here. After we hung up, the contractions were getting more severe than they were not to long ago. Slowly, I was going to the floor and more blood was coming out. I was getting scared and called 9-1-1. They got here in 3mins. Damn! That was fast. They were telling me to open the door.

Ambulance: M'am, we need you to open the door, so, we can get to you!

Me: I ca-

[Dustin: She can't! (Opens the door and runs to me, with everyone else behind him)]



Me, Ali, Chy: Michael, calm down.

Me: (starts breathing in and out/ faster)

Dustin: Baby, -

Me: They're coming.

Dustin: What?

Me: (grabbed his hand squeezed it hard as I could and looked him in his face) THEY'RE. COMING!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now