Sickness and Health

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Dr. Johnson: So tell me what seems to be the problem.

Me: Well, every morning I go and check on my kids to see if they are ok and this morning, after I done so, I went back into my room until it was time for them to get up. Not even a full twenty minutes, Milan walks in and I immediately took notice that he didn't look good.

I continued to tell Dr. Johnson what happened. She took note of what I was saying. When I finished, she told Dustin and I that she was going to run some tests to figure out what is wrong my baby.

Dr. Johnson: it looks like we're going to have to keep him over night to do further test to see what is causing your son to throw up so much.

Me: Oh...ok.

Dustin: Is there a specific time that you want us to come back here tomorrow?

Dr. Johnson: Eleven a.m.

Dustin: Ok.

We both turned to Milan as he looked at the both of us. We had to explain to him that he has to stay the night. Once he heard that, he did not like the sound of that. He started crying and we told him that it was going to be ok. Dr. Johnson suggested that one of us could stay with him. I told Dustin that he could but told me that I could. Not wanting to go back and forth, I said 'ok' and watched as Dustin hugged Milan and touched my shoulder on his way out.

Taking the seat that was next to the bed, I walked over to it and brung it closer to the bed. Milan watched me very closely as to every little thing that I did. It was very cute but also concerning. He's never done anything like that before or maybe I'm just looking into this a little to hard.

Milan: Mama?

Me: Yes, baby?

Milan: I hwungry.

Me: Are you sure, Sweetie? (rubbing his head)

Milan: (nods)

Me: Ok.

Not sure if I should leave him alone, I picked up the phone and paged the cafeteria and asked if I could have a bowl of oatmeal and two cups of apple juice. They told me that it would be right up. Placing the phone back on the receiver, I looked up and noticed that Milan was now facing me, just staring. I moved a little to the left, his eyes followed; I moved a little to the right, his eyes followed again. I leaned in toward him, he stood still but I noticed that his left eye had  some discoloration.

I studied his eye for a little bit and realized that he had Heterochromia Iridum.


"Where are the kids? "

Me: Amori and Nolan are with Kelly and his girlfriend and Milan is at the hospital with Dakota.

"Is he ok?"

Me: No. He was throwing up a lot so we took him to the hospital and the doctor want to keep him over night to see what's causing him to throw up so much.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now