Last And Final Time

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Question: Should I continue this story & add the other story "A Twisted Love" or just keep as is?


Months Later....


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UGH!! This has been going on non stop since that night he and Danny proposed to me. I told him multiple times that I didn't want to be with him anymore nor marry him...but he still doesn't get it. I even told him that I'm focusing on our kids from now on and not relationships. Putting my kids life in danger....nope. Never Again. I had to change my number a few times but he always gets the new one.

And to answer this question from last chapter, no...we were not together two months ago. He was just living here because of the kids. No, he does not live with us anymore. Y'all can say whatever you want but if I don't want him living here, then he's not going to live here. Call me what you want but it's my life, not yours.

Some of y'all think the reason I didn't want to marry Dustin was because of him stealing the twins' money? No and that was how long ago? And anyways, I moved on from from that. It was pointless but it had let me see who he really was when he didn't get what he wanted. Did I take him for granted or not been appreciative of him? Nope and I am appreciative of him. So, don't say what you think when you don't know everything.

As for Danny.....y'all want to know when he had the time to go sleep around? When he would "go to the gym" or "get something to eat". I knew he wasn't doing what he said he was doing or going. So, I just went along with it. And that's why I broke up with him and declined his proposal.

I really don't understand why I have to keep explaining myself to everyone who questions me about why I didn't marry either one of them or least stay with the "right one". I have my reasons and that's that.



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Ruby: Fin-ally!

I turned around to face her.

Me: What are you talking about, Ruby?

Ruby: You finally going to go meet up with him. I got tired of seeing him come up here to ask for you, bringing you flowers, gifts, and even food. At first, I thought he was coming up here to see know since I took care of him that one point in his life.

Me: *chuckled* (shook my head) You're something else.

Ruby: Yeah? So, are you. (walked away)

I got up from my spot behind the receptionist desk and made my way to the break room. I went to my locker and grabbed my keys and wallet, and walked over to the clock and punched out. Looking at the time, I walked out and headed to my car.

Pulling up to the park, I grab my food and drink and went to go find a spot that was in the shade. Finally find a picnic table that was under a big tree, I began pulling out my food and started eating. Three minutes into my shrimp, Dustin texted me, letting me know that he was here. I told him where I was and continued eating.

Dustin: Hey!

Me: Hey.

Dustin: (sat) How've you been?

Me: Good and yourself?

Dustin: I'm doing

Me: (looked up at him)

Dustin: *smiling*

Me: ....Anyways. The reason why I chose to meet up with you is to talk about us raising the kid-(gco)

Dustin: And us?

Me: No. Just about raising our three kids.

His mood changed from happy to sad but oh well. That's not what I agreed to meet up with him for.

Me: I noticed that the kids are really happy when we're all one house. So, I was thinking that you should move back in with us and we will co-parent.

Dustin: Uh....oh.

Me: What?

Dustin: Nothing.

Me: Isn't this what you wanted?

Dustin: Yeah but it doesn't matter anymore. As long as I'm with the kids then there's nothing else, right?

Me: Should there be?

Dustin: Ye-no. No there shouldn't be. *smiles*

Me: *smiles* Good.

I know he wants to talk about us but that's not my main concern or focus no more. My kids are.

Me: Alright then. (Looked at my 📱) I have to get back to work.

Right when I was about to stand up, he decided to ask me another question.

Dustin: When should I start moving my stuff in?

Me: Tomorrow. Early in the morning while the kids will still be asleep.

Dustin: (Stood up/walked away)

Me: Ok..?

That was-nevermind. I stood up, grabbed my trash, and over to the trash can and hopped into my car.

Let's just hope that this will be the right decision.

---------------------------------------------------------- guess that I'm going to kind of continue this always:

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P.s.: If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now