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Andrew P.O.V

Sitting in the waiting room, the doctor finally came and told me and Isaiah that we can go back to see Danny. We got to his room and seen him up watching tv. He noticed us and waved us in.

Danny: What up? *smiles*

Isaiah: You straight?

Danny: Yeah. Head hurts but, I'm, how is Dakota?

Me: We don't know. Haven't heard anything yet.

Danny: Oh.

I noticed he looked a little disappointed in the answer I gave him. He ain't the only one.

Isaiah: What happened?

Danny: *sighed*......We had just left from here because she said that she was feeling worse than before. So, I asked if she was hungry, told me yeah and went to McDonald's. After we left there, we had to go to CVS to go pick up her medicine then headed home. But, about two or three lights away from the house, there was this red mustang following us. At first, I didn't think nothing of it but, they just kept following us and was even on our asses. I thought I would loose them if I had drove in to the car wash. Well, they were still behind us. So, I just took off and headed back to the house and was trying to call the others but, right when I pulled into the driveway, so did they. Smashing into the back of us, which made of us smash into the truck.

Me: Did y'all know who was it?

Danny: (shook his head)

Isaiah: It was Chino and Jim.

Me: Who is Jim?

"My brothers and I's old manager."

We turned around and seen Dustin standing there.

Me: Where they at?

Dustin: They're here. Later on, I'm coming back up here to "check up" on them.

Isaiah: Yeah, me, too. How is cuz?

Dustin: *sighs* She good but, not memory wise.

Me: What?

Dustin: When her and Danny crashed, she hit her head real hard on the dashboard, causing her to losing two year's worth of memory.

Me: Fuck! So, she doesn't remember any of us?

Dustin: Not really. Not even the kids and plus one.

Danny: Is the baby ok?

The three of us turned and looked at him.

Dustin: You knew?

Danny: Yeah. That was another reason why we were here. The doctor gave her, her prescription and I asked her what else did they say and she told me that she was also two months pregnant.

Isaiah: Damn. So, what are we going to do?

Me: I don't know....but, I'll be right back.

I walked out of the room and started looking for her room. When I found it, I knocked and entered.

Dakota: Andrew? What are you doing here?

I sighed in relief. I walked up to her and hugged her.

Dakota: I missed you!

Me: I missed you, too!

This might be a little hard since she doesn't remember anything.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now