Excuse Me?

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Dakota P.O.V

Come again?

Isaiah: What did she just say? (Looking between me, Andrew, Ali)

Mrs. Breeding: I said that it's her fault. (Pointing at me)

Me: You know what? I'm not about to deal with you, woman. Babies, give Dad-dy a hug and kiss. (Walking towards D)

Dustin: (looked me in the eyes) Don't leave.

Twins: Dad-dy!

Dustin: Gimme kiss!

Twins: *kissed him*

Dustin: MMMUAH! I love you, guys!

Twins: *squeals* 😁

Us: *laughs*

Me: I'll see you, later, Diablo. You, too, Dustin. Ali, Paco, we'll see y'all at home.

A & A: (nodded)

As I'm walking out, I hear Dustin calling my name but, I just kept walking until I was out of the room. I'm just going to take my kids and go home and be where I'm always wanted.


Instead of going home like we were suppose to, I decided to take the twins and myself to Yogurtland. They at least deserved that from almost losing their daddy and cousin. As we sat at the table, I got a call from Dustin.

Me: Hello?

Dustin P.O.V

Why did she leave? And what was with the looks?

Me: Why did she leave?

I already knew why she left but, I'm just going to act like I don't know nothing.

Kelly: Because she knows what she did.

Me: What did she do? Because honestly I don't see that she did anything.

Mom: Sweetheart, you just woke up. Let's not talk about her. But, just know that she's no good for you.

Me: (motioned for her to move away) I've been listening to everything y'all been saying about her and I'm so tired of how y'all sitting here bashing the mother of my kids. Especially, you three.

Mom/P/K: 😳

I grabbed my phone that was sitting next to me on the night stand and unlocked it. I went to my contacts and found Dakota's name. I tapped on it and it started ringing. She barely answered it right before I was about to hang up.

Me: Dakota, where are you guys? (Puts phone on speaker)

"At Yogurtland."

Me: Why did you leave?

"It's obvious that your mother and brothers didn't want me there, seeing how they accused me for you being there. Dustin, I'm not going to stay somewhere when I'm not wanted."

Me: I don't care what the fu-what they said or how they feel. We are the only two that know what went on that day. And if I want you here with me, then I want you here with me. (looking at the 5 of them) Like you've been doing for these past two months. *smirks*

Mom: *shocked*

"Dustin, I-I can't. It's bad enough that they making me feel worse than I already did. I don't want any problems, ok? I just want to go enjoy the rest of this day with the twins."

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now