Still Can't Believe This Shit!

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Carnell P.O.V (Cont.)

Patrick: Kelly and Bryan. And by......Khleo's dad.

Me: How do you know?

Patrick: Because he had me doing the same and if we didn't, he was going to let Khleo kill the twins, Dakota, Dustin, and Ali. Nellz, my ass is damn near almost in my thirties and nothing has happened before! I'm scared that I might not see another day.

Me: But, what I don't get is why he didn't force me to do the same.

Patrick: Because you weren't with us that day Dustin first got put into the hospital.

Me: Oh.

Patrick: Nellz, what are we going to do?

Me: I don-(gco) Does he have anything tracking y'all?

Patrick: None that I know of. Why?

Me: Because y'all need to go into hiding.

Patrick: What?

Me: Y'all need to disappear for awhile.

Patrick: What about you?! And the rest?!

Me: Don't worry, Pat. I'll think of something. But, for're staying with me.

Patrick: (nodded) Ok.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I got to the names that I needed. I sent a message to both, telling them what's up. While I waited for them to reply, I looked up at Patrick and seen that he was at ease but, still looked at a little scared. In all my years of living, this is my first time seeing him like this. I usually see him trying to be like Dustin. Fearless. But, that is long gone now.


From: Diablo😈

"Send them all to the house in Denver."

Me: When we leave from here, we're going home and call the others.

Patrick: To tell them what's going on?

Me: Yeah.

Patrick: Ok. While we're here, we should eat.

Me: Fine.

Welp! Looks like we're all hiding.


Sorry for the shortness but, whatcha think?

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P.s.: If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!

And also........go check out my girl, _dec13_ 's books. They're REALLY good and you'll love 'em!

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