Being Petty

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Dakota P.O.V

Dustin: Can we lay down for awhile and then I'll tell you?

Me: Yeah, sure.

He scooted the both of us to the top of my bed, pulling the cover back. He turned us onto our sides; placing me on the pillows while he laid his head near my chest, pulling me closer. I waited until he got comfortable to pull the cover over us. He wrapped his arms around my waist and my leg around his. Me, I held his head and rubbed it. We were both quiet and the only thing you could hear was him sniffling and taking deep breaths. Once I asked what made him start drinking and doing drugs, I knew it had to be something bad. I really wanted to know but, it was bringing him back memories that he didn't want. I'm started to regret asking him.

A couple minutes later, I heard soft snores and looked down to see he had fallen asleep. His grip had gotten tighter, too. I might as well take this time to see what's going on, on IG. I grabbed my phone off the night stand and seen that I had notifications from people off of Instagram. Typing in my code, I went straight to the app and went to my Notification Center. I was tagged in a lot of stuff but, one caught my attention. I tapped on the picture and it went to this girl's page. It was a picture of her and Dustin, I'm guessing in a parking lot. The caption said,

"When you let someone this good looking go, you clearly lost a good thing. #That'sALookofAdmiration #winning #MCM @kotabear".

Me: Really?

Now, I'm not the one for stooping down to someone else's level but, this right down right stupid and childish. Since she wants to play games like what my ass about to do.

Instead of using my phone, I grabbed Dustin's, going onto IG. I went to his camera and took a picture of us. After skipping the editing parts, I got to the caption box and typed in,

"It's Wednesday right? No? Fuck it! This woman right here, has been my main, mother of my kids, best friend, shoulder to cry on, listening ear, even wifey, since day 1. Never have I laid my eyes on anyone else except her. When my high yellow ass was in the hospital, she was the one by my side, day and night, spending nights, making sure I was ok and healing right. And thank you for that, Nurse Reecé! Also, for blessing me with not just one but, two beautiful kids. You know I could go on and on and on about you but, I won't. Can't let these haters or petty ass people know what I know and love about you. (I would @ you but, I don't need them to be all up on your page, being nosy af!)

         This is from yo' baby zaddy, Dustin! 💋💋😂

#WCM #WCW #SHE'Swinning"

I started laughing but, remembered that Dustin was sleeping. I exited off of IG and locked his phone, placing it back on to my nightstand and grabbing my phone again and seeing what people got posted on my TL.


Me: How did you sleep?

Dustin: (yawned/stretched) Good. *smiles*

Me: *smiles* (sees his eyes) Aww, *pouts* your eyes are puffy.

Dustin: *sighs*

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now