Just The Beginning?

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I didn't read over this. So excuse any missing words, grammatical error, and such.



Seeing where I can go or who I can call, I pulled over to this McDonald's that was just off to my left and parked. I grabbed my phone and went to my contacts and just scrolled until I found who I needed. Tapping their name and the call button, I pressed my phone to my ear and just waited until they picked up.


Me: Chris, I need your help.

"Dustin? What's up?"

Me: It's your best friend. She's gone rogue.

"What? Who? Angela?"

Me: No. Dakota.

"What are you talking about?"

Me: I'm at this McDonald's that's not that far from her house. Meet me here and I'll tell you.


Me: Alright. (Hung up)

*Knock Knock*

Me: (rolled down my window) Sup?

Chris: And your ass got food, too.

Me: Your ass took too long.

Chris: Had to drop my baby off at my mom's.

Me: How are they?

Chris: They're good. What about  the twins and Nolan?

Me: The same. As for Dakota...horrible.

Chris: Let's go in because I'm hungry.

Me: *chuckles* When aren't you?

We walked in and he went to go order his food while I found us a table. While I was waiting on Chris, I felt my phone vibrate multiple times, signifying that someone sent multiple texts. Pulling out my phone, I seen that they were all from Dakota. Unlocking my phone, I went to my messages and tapped on her name to seen that she sent pictures of what looks like clothes being bleached....which are all mine!!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now