Can't Believe This Shit!

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Dustin P.O.V (cont.)

Looking out the window, seeing what that loud crash was, I dropped the diaper bag and ran down the stairs, heading to the door with everyone else. As soon as I opened the door, I seen a red Mustang smashed into the back of Dakota's car while hers smashed into Isaiah's parked truck. I told Ali to stay with the twins while the three of us went to go check it out.

I went to the drivers side and seen that it was Danny. His head was against the steering wheel and that's when I saw blood trickling down his neck. I sat him back and went to unbuckle his seat belt but, then I seen his hand placed on Dakota's stomach. I just stared at it for a moment and then, continued what I was doing. Andrew went over to Dakota's side and seen she was just as bad as Danny. He was about to break down but, he got her out instead and laid her down on the ground, still in his arms. Isaiah helped me take Danny out and do the same. He ran in the house and told Ali to call 9-1-1 and came back out to see who was in the other car.

We both approached it, pulling out our guns. We opened both of the doors and pointed our guns at them and I could not believe who was sitting right in front of our asses.

Isaiah: CHINO?!?!

Me: And muthafuckin' Jim!

Their asses are so lucky that the crash knocked them because I would have beaten the shit out of them.

Finally, the Paramedics and Police got here and did what they had to do. When Paramedics was taking Danny and Dakota to the hospital, Andrew hopped on in the truck with Danny and I hopped in with Dakota. Even though I said that I was through with her, I could never be. Why? Because she's the mother of my kids and I still love her.


Dakota: (wakes up) Where am I? (Looks at me) Who are you?

Me: *confused* It's me. Dustin.

Dakota: I don't know a Dustin.

Me: I'm the father of our kids.

Dakota: I don't have kids.

Me: Ye-(gco)

*Knock Knock*

The doctor comes in.

Dr. Randy: Can I speak to you for a minute?

Me: (nodded/followed)

We went outside of her room and just watched her for a moment through the room window.

Dr. Randy: So, it seems that she has memory loss. When the car crashed into the parked vehicle, she hit her head a little too hard, causing her to forget things.

Me: Specifically?

Dr. Randy: Specifically speaking......about two year's worth.

Me: 😳

Dr. Randy: I'm sorry, Mr. Breeding.

Me: (looking at her)

Dr. Randy: And congrats.

Me: Huh? (Looked at him) On...what?

Dr. Randy: On the baby.

Me: Baby? She's n-(gco)

Dr. Randy: Yes, she is. She came in earlier this morning and found out that she was two months.

Me: Oh god......

Dr. Randy: And if it makes you feel any better, the baby is also fine. Whatever that saved her from hitting her stomach, did a great job.


Me: Um, thanks, Dr. Randy.

Dr. Randy: No problem! Have a nice day! (Walked away)

That's just great! She lost two year's worth of memory and is pregnant. What am I going to do?

All The Way Back In Atlanta......

Carnell P.O.V

This thing between everyone is just a bunch of bullshit! Just because Dustin fucked up, that didn't mean everyone had to start blaming each other. Plus, was just between two people, not the whole fuckin' world! I get everyone was concerned about Dustin and all but, that didn't blame the next person for something that wasn't nobody else's fault but, the person who brought it upon themselves. Khleo.

And I just love how I'm in the mist of the family splitting up. When the rest went and visited Dustin everyday, I stayed back at the hotel because I knew I would be accused of blaming Dakota for something that she had no part of. What she did was the right thing to do because (and I'm getting sick of hearing/talking about what happened a year ago) y'all remember when I told Dustin that I would much rather see Dakota and the twins somewhere else, happy?. Well, I stood behind that since that day they left . Yeah, we fought after they left but, put it behind us. He knew that I was right because he didn't try to get in contact with Dakota for that whole year or try to find them. He just accepted it as it was and moved forward with his life. Until that day of the incident.

As for me, I've just been doing me. Since we came back to Atlanta, I've just separated myself from everyone else and been doing me. From time to time I'll talk to them but, that's it. But, as of right now, I'm meeting up Patrick. For what I don't know.

He wanted to meet at this restaurant in Decatur....away from everyone else. I was sitting at the while I waited on him to arrive. Not even ten minutes later, he walked through the doors and walked straight over to me and sat down. He looked a little uneasy and.....scared?.

Me: What's up?

Patrick: I'm just going to get to it. not the same.

Me: You're just now realizing?

Patrick: No! I mean that she would never do Dakota like that.

Me: And that was a lie.

Patrick: Damn it, Carnell! She's being forced to treat her like that!

Me: What?

Patrick: Yeah.

Me: By who? And who else?

Patrick: Kelly and Bryan. And by......

😳 Whatcha guys think?

In mm: Dustin & Carnell.

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P.s.: If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!

And also........go check out my girl,_dec13_ 's books. They're REALLY good and you'll love 'em!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now