You Thought

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A couple days later, I was feeding Nolan. He was this precious little thing and I just couldn't get enough of him. There was a knock at the door and in came Dustin. He had a basket and balloons, setting it all on the nightstand next to the bed.

Dustin: Hey!👋🏽

Me: 👋🏽

Dustin: I brought this for him.

Me: What's in it?

Dustin: Um...(looked in the basket) Baby soap, lotion, powder, a few pacifiers, bibs, blankets, onesies, and socks.

Me: Aw, thanks!

Dustin: Your welcome.....So how is he?

Me: He's good.

Dustin: That's great.

He was looking like he wanted to hold Nolan but didn't know whether to ask or not.

Me: Do you want to hold him?

Dustin: Um......yeah, sure.

He walked towards the bed and sat next to my feet. I placed my baby in his arms and instantly they both started smiling. It was so cute how Nolan just started smiling the moment he seen Dustin and even latched onto his finger.

I just realized that....when Danny came to visit earlier, he didn't smile as much or hold onto Danny's finger. Mainly because Danny came earlier than he should have but he didn't care.

Dustin: He is so adorable.

Me: *smiling* I know.

Dustin: Nolan, you're just too adorable!

Nolan: *smiling*

Me: Aww!

Months Later

Many months later.....hmmmm..let me back track for a little bit. The day, when I was going into labor, was the day that Khleo Thomas was put six feet under. The guys and Ang said that I had passed out from being freaked out when Dustin and Ali were stabbed in the back. Isaiah and Andrew took off and went to go find him while Ang and Danny took me and the twins to the hospital. Then they said that with all of them yelling at Ali, was all apart of their plan to get us out. Also they said that that Ali really didn't turn against us. She was working with the police because they were also after Khleo.

Speaking of her....she tried talking to me while I was in the hospital but I wasn't having it. She kept trying and trying and trying until she finally got the message. She had moved out and moved to wherever. I didn't care.

Andrew stayed true to his word and got my old house back. So the kids and I moved back and continued to live our lives in peace. Andrew made Ang his.....forever. Yes, he proposed to her and month after Nolan and I was out of the hospital. They decided to get married in L.A. once we all moved back. Two months later, Ang was pregnant.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now