Ordinary Love.

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[Almost A Month Later]

Dustin POV

[In My Room]

It's been days, weeks, almost a month since I last talked to Dakota. I can't believe I screwed up, BIG time. I've locked myself in my room. I haven't been eating, sleeping, or talking to anyone. All I could do was think about how I can get 2.5 grand but really I was thinking about my kids and fiancée. I laid in my bed, w. my left hand behind my head and looked to my left and seen Dakota laying next me. She was looking and smiling at me. I stroked her cheek, but she vanished. (Sighs)

[Knock Knock]

Me: (silent)

[Kept knocking]

Me: (silent but was looking at the door]

[Continued Knocking]

Me: (sighs in frustration) [opens the door] Patrick, I'm- *surprised* D Dakota?

Dakota: Hi...

Me: Um.....how've you been?

Dakota: I've, I meant we've been good.

Me: Where are the twins?

Dakota: With everyone else.

Me: Uh, um...come in. (Try reaching for her hand)

Dakota: (moves her hand back)

I closed my door and sat on my bed hoping she would, too, but she stood in front of my dresser w. her arms crossed.

Me: (silent)

Dakota: (silent)

Me: (starts getting fidgety)

Dakota: (drums her fingers)

Me: (biting my lip)

Dakota: (looking away; nibbles on her lip)

This was killing me, so I ran and grabbed my woman. I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I started kissing her, sucking on her bottom lip, then we made our way to my bed, tracing her lips w. my tongue, I worked my way down, then back up. I'm surprised that we are doing this, because I swear that this is a dream.

[Echoing "Because I swear that this is a dream"]





Me: Huh?!

Dakota: Have you been listening?

Me: Sorry.

Dakota: Ok. I'm going to go. (Starts walking out)

Me: No, wait. (Sighs) Come here. (Grabbing her hand) I'm sorry. It's just that I haven't seen you in almost a month. And I missed you.

Dakota: Yeah, there is a reason for that.

Me: Ok, I know that I screwed up, like really, really, really screwed up. It's just that, we're planning our wedding, and me having to keep leaving you when we go on the road, it is really stressing me out.

Dakota: And how do you think I feel?

Me: .......

Dakota: Exactly, you don't.

Me: ........

Dakota: You're not the only one stressin'. I'm the one who has to take care of the twins while you are gone, and not going to work, due to the fact that I have to watch them. And since I found out about the money being missing, I've been selling things that are worth a lot, just so I can put the money back. (Looking away from me)

Me: You didn't have to, I was going to do it.

Dakota: Look, I'm not about to wait for someone to think of a way to pay them back, instead of just doing it. My kids will not starve until I get money or until I go back to work. So whatever I have to do just to put food in their stomachs, that's just what I'll do.

Me: But-

Dakota: The twins are staying w. you for 2 weeks. I need to do handle something.

Me: Um.....ok. Did you pack them a bag for those two weeks?

Dakota: (just gave me the "What-F*ck-Do-You-Think" face)

With that, we both headed downstairs with everyone else.


Carnell: (was holding Amori) [talking in his baby voice] You are the cutest! Yes you are! Yes you are! (Tickles her)

Amori: (giggles)

Me: (chuckles)

Patrick & Ali: (holding Milan) (tickling him) [Ali:]: Looking like your momma! Such a cutie patootie! (Patrick looked at Ali; smiled)

Dakota: *smiles* Can I see him right quick?

Patrick: Sure. He's your baby, you ain't gotta ask, m'am.

Dakota: *laughed* Alright little man, I'll see you in two weeks. *kisses him* I love you!

Milan: *smiled & giggled*

Dakota: *smiled & kissed him again*

Kelly: Where are you going?

Dakota: I have to handle some business.

Bryan: For two weeks?

Dakota: Yeah. (Walking over to Carnell)

Carnell: Here she goes. (Handing Amori over)

Dakota: My strawberry princess, I'll see you later. *kisses her* I love you!

Amori: *smiled*

Dakota: *gets teary eyed; kissed her again* Here you go, Nellz. Ok, I'll see y'all later. (Walked away towards the door)

Them: See ya! *waving*

I walked her to her car and seen that Chris was in the car, too.

Me: Dakota?

Dakota: (turned around)

I walked up to her and just kissed her. This was the longest kiss that I've ever gave her. I was letting her know that I still love her like it was my first time meeting her all over again, like it was our first kiss. Even if she is pissed at me, I'm still going to love her no matter what we go through. I didn't want to let go but I know she wanted to get away from me.

Me: I love you. (Stroking her cheek)

Dakota: (crying) [gets in the car; drives away]

Author POV

Dakota drove back to her house, to pack little of what she had left. Chris had gotten out the car and went inside, too. When he walked in, he couldn't believe what he saw. It looked like she had first moved in but she had sold mostly everything in her house to keep the power, gas, tv on and keep food in the house. She looked around and just broke down. Chris knelt down next to her and just comforted her. He couldn't believe that someone would take money from their kids for some BS and then feel sorry when they get caught. But what he REALLY couldn't believe that it happened to his friend/baby sister. The only thing that he could do was get her out of there.

[Landed In L.A.]

They touched down in Los Angeles and headed to his house. When they got there, Kae, Tyga, And Chyna was already there. Chris looked to his right and seen Dakota was sleep. He woke her up and went into the house.

Kae: Baby? Is that you?

Chris: Yeah.

Kae: Where wer- *surprised*

Tyga & Chyna: *surprised* Dakota?

Dakota: *half-smiled*

Chyna: Love, what are you doing here?

Dakota: I'm..I'm (starts crying) I'M BROKE!!

They all looked at her like she was crazy then up at Chris. He just nodded his head in agreement.

Tyga: What happened?

And she sat down and started telling them why she is broke. They couldn't wrap their mind around the thought of Dustin doing something like that. He had them fooled, thinking that he was a better man but they guessed he was the same.

Kae: I..I'm just speechless. I don't have any words to what I just heard.

Chyna: I still don't get why he did that.

Chris: That shit is fucked up. She can't even go home to her house because it's not an actual home anymore. The twins can't even sleep in their own bed, that's how fucked that is.

Dakota: Can we stop talking about it?

Tyga: Yeah, sure. Let's just watch tv.

Chris: (turns on his tv)

News Reporter from E! News: Terrance J: We have news that, the lead singer Dustin Breeding from the boy band B5, takes $2.5 grand from his kids and leaves his fiancée, Dakota Reecé broke. Paparazzi spotted Dakota at a local pawn shop, just outside of Decatur, Georgia. Resources tells us that she was selling everything in house just to survive. Dustin, what were you thinking? Well that's all I have today. This is Terrance J and you're watching E! News.

Them: 😳

Dakota: (head in her hands; crying)

[Back In Atlanta]

Jim: (running in the house) Did you guys watch the news?!

Ali: No. Why, what's wrong?

Jim: (grabbed the remote and turns to E!)

News Reporter from E! News: Terrance J: We have news that, the lead singer Dustin Breeding from the boy band B5, takes $2.5 grand from his kids and leaves his fiancée, Dakota Reecé broke. Paparazzi spotted Dakota at a local pawn shop, just outside of Decatur, Georgia. Resources tells us that she was selling everything in house just to survive. Dustin, what were you thinking? Well that's all I have today. This is Terrance J and you're watching E! News.

Them: 😳

Bryan: 😳.....I'll be back.

Kelly: I'll go with you.

They both left and headed to see Dakota. The ride there was quiet. When they got to her house, they noticed that the car Dustin bought was still there, with the windows busted. Bryan got out of his car with Kelly right behind him and went to the door. Kelly rung the doorbell and waited. Bryan rung the doorbell again and they waited. Kelly was about to ring it again but Bryan stopped him and he pulled out Dustin's key. Once they were in the house, they couldn't believe what they were looking at.

Kelly: (on the phone) Y'all need to get over here. Now.

[Back In Los Angeles]

Kae: (gets up and hugs Dakota] Boo, I am so sorry.

Dakota: It's not your fault.

Chyna: (walking over and hugging her) But it's his.

Tyga: Dee, why didn't you call us? We've could have helped you.

Dakota: I know. I didn't want you guys giving me money.

Chris: But, we are family and we will always be there for you and the twins. So with that, I want you to come with me and be my back up dancer for the next 2 weeks. While I do shows and for my 2 new music videos.

Dakota: Really?

Chris: Yeah and you'll get paid.

Tyga: And we'll put $1000 in the account and some food in the house.

Dakota: Ohmygod. Thank you, you guys. I really appreciate you helping. I love you!

Them: We love you, too!

[Back In Atlanta]

(At Dakota's House)

[Walking upstairs]

Bryan: This is unbelievable.

Kelly: I know.

[Upstairs in the Twins room]

Kelly: Yo, Bryan!

Bryan: What's up?

Kelly: Come and look at the Twins' room!

Bryan: Wtf? What happened to all the furniture?

Jim: If you were listening, she sold most of her stuff.

Kelly: When did you get here?

Jim: Just now.

Bryan: How did you know that she sold the furniture?

Jim: She asked me to help her.

Carnell: [yells from downstairs] Yo, where y'all at?!

Kelly: In the Twins' Room!

[All running upstairs]

Ali: What in the hell?


Patrick: Where is the other crib and their other stuff?

Carnell: Apparently, she sold it.

Bryan: Have y'all seen her room?

Them: No.

Bryan: Come on.

[In Dakota's Room]

Ali: ........ How long has she been living like this?! (Looking at Dustin)

Dustin: I..I don't know.

Jim: She started the next day after she found out.

A,P,C,D: *confused*

Jim: *sighs* She called me and asked if I could help her watch the twins, while she sold her stuff.

Dustin: Why didn't you tell me?

Jim: Because she didn't want me to.

Patrick: Why would he?

Dustin: Because that's my fiancée and my kids.

Jim: *shaking his head*

Dustin: What?

Jim: Um....I don't know how to tell you this but she sold the ring, too.

Dustin: 😳

Everybody just looked at him as he stood in the middle of the empty room.

[In Los Angeles]

Dakota: Chris, could I use your car to go get something to eat?

Chris: Yeah, but your truck is out there. (Gets her keys; tossed them to her)

Dakota: Thanks.

She walked out the house and headed to her truck. She got in and drove to In-N-Out. When she got there, she seen how long the drive thru was and decided to go in.

[Inside Of In-N-Out]

Cashier: Hello. How can I help you today?

Dakota: Hi. Can I get the #2, with a large strawberry shake, and instead of regular fries, could I get them animal styled.

Cashier: Ok. Anything else for you you?

Dakota: Nope, that's it.

Cashier: That will be $12.60 (made up) Is it for here or to go?

Dakota: For here. (looked in her wallet and sighed)

???: Here you go.

Cashier: (freaking out) OHMYGOD! It's....you're.... Ahhhhh!

Dakota: (looked to her left) Um, thanks?

???: No, problem, Love.*smiled* (And walked away)

Dakota gave the cashier the money, got the change and headed to the side and waited for her food. She seen the guy that gave her money and decided to go and give him his change.

Dakota: Hey. Um, thanks again. And oh, here's your change.

???: Hey, you're welcome. It's ok, you can keep it.*smiling* You know, you look familiar.

Dakota: I do?

???: Yeah. Like I've seen you before.

Dakota: Oh.

???: Do you mind if I sit with you?

Dakota: Sure.

Cashier: Order number 20 & 22!

They both walked to the counter and grabbed their food and noticed they order the same thing.

???: Are you from out here?

Dakota: Yeah, but I'm just visiting.

???: Where do you live?

Dakota: In Atlanta.

???: That's what's up.

Dakota: What about you?

???: Yeah. Out here. Born and raised.

The both of them sat, ate, and kept each other company. Once they finished, they were leaving to go their separate ways.

???: Um, hey, I didn't catch your name.

Dakota: It's Dakota.

???: Dakota. *smiled*

Dakota: Well, I see you later. (Walking to her truck)

???: But I didn't give you my name!

Dakota: *smiling* Khleo.

Khleo: *confused & just smiled* See ya!

[In Atlanta]

Dustin: *blank stare*

Kelly: *snaps his fingers* Dustin! Snap out of it!

Dustin: *blinks w. tears falling down his face* She really sold the ring?

Jim: *sighs* Yeah. Dustin, I'm sorry.

[Someone's phone started ringing]

Bryan: (checks his phone) It's not me.

Carnell: (checks his phone) It's not me.

Patrick: (checks his phone) Not me.

Kelly: (checks his phone) Same here.

Ali: (checks hers) Nope.

Dustin: (still crying; answered) Hello?

[Via Phone Conversation]

Dakota: He- are you crying?

Dustin: Yeah, I am.

Dakota: Why?

Dustin: Because you sold my ring.

Dakota: ........I'm about to FaceTime you. (Hung up)

**FaceTime w. Dakota**

Dustin: [To Dakota] Wait a minute. [Talking everybody else] Can y'all give me a minute?

Them: (left the room, closing the door behind them)

Dustin: Can you tell me why?

Dakota: What was I suppose to do? I couldn't go another day/night without eating and neither could the twins. The money I would get, went towards formula and baby food.

Dustin: Why didn't you call me? Even if you were pissed off at me.

Dakota: Because I didn't want to deal with you at the time and I wasn't worried about me, I was worried about the twins.

Dustin: But I'm worried about you and the twins.

Dakota: If you was worried about us, then you wouldn't have done what you did.

Dustin: I know. (Wiping tears away) I love you.

Dakota: (sighs) ......

Dustin: Dakota?

Dakota: Hmm?

Dustin: Could you ever forgive me?

Dakota: It will take me time to.

Dustin: Would you still marry me?

Dakota: Dustin, of course I would still marry you.

Chris: [in the background] Yo! Sis, come in here!

Dakota: I have to go but I'll call back later.

Dustin: ok. I love you. (Hung up)

**FaceTime Conversation Ended**

[In Los Angeles; At The Dance Studio]

Dakota: Yeah?

Chris: I want you to meet my dancers. This is Sean Bankhead and Ms. Ambrya. The rest will be here soon.

Dakota: Hi.

Sean: So, we heard that you're going to be the new backup dancer.

Dakota: Yeah.

Ambrya: You're name is Dakota, right?

Dakota: Yeah.

Sean & Ambrya: *looked at each other*

Dakota: What's wrong?

Sean: We heard what happened and we're really sorry.

Dakota: Oh. (Lowers her head)

Ambrya: (puts her arm around Dakota's shoulder) It's going to be ok. I never thought Dustin would do something like that.

Dakota: You know him?

Ambrya: Actually, I know all of them. I'm a close friend of theirs.

Sean: And I'm just their associate. (Laughing)

Dakota & Ambrya: (laughed)

Then the rest of the dancers walked in. When they seen Dakota, they started whispering. But one of them was just laughing.

Chris: Yo! Who the fvck is laughing?

???: (walks forward) What up broke a$$? *smiling*

Dakota: Not this b!tch.

???: first off, I'm not a b!tch and second, what is your ugly broke ass doing here? Yo baby daddy left you and your ugly ass kids for someone else who has money?

Chris: You're not about to dis my family like that!

???: (laughs) You're not even related to them. Chris, baby, you're smart, not stupid. They look like monkeys.

Dakota just took off her and everyone just stood there and watched. They all know that the girl was dead ass wrong for saying what she said. Minutes later, Dakota was pulled off by Chris and Sean.


Security escorted the girl out of the studio and was band from coming back.

Chris: Sis, you cool?

Dakota: Yeah. (Fixes herself)

Sean: Didn't you fight her at Tyga's pool party last year?

Dakota: Yep.

Ambrya: Girl, for someone your size, you sure can throw. (Laughs)

Chris: She sure can.

Dakota: (chuckles)

Sean: Alright, let's get this choreograph started.

Sean and Ambrya showed everyone the dance and everyone else did it. Then, they all did it together. After practice, everyone was leaving to go get something to eat and they wanted Dakota to come along.

Ambrya: Hey Dakota, everyone is going to get something to eat, you want to come?

Dakota: Sure.

Chris: Sis, can I talk to you for a min?

Dakota: (talking to Ambrya) I'll catch up in a minute. (Talking to Chris) Yeah, what's up?

Chris: (handing her money)

Dakota: Chris, I can't take this.

Chris: You can and you will. I know you're hungry, I can see/hear it. Just take it and have fun.

Dakota: Thanks. (Hugging him)

Chris: You're welcome.

[Back In Atlanta]

Ali: So, what happened?

Dustin: She told me why she sold the ring.

Carnell: Wha-

Bryan: Y'all look at this.

He showed them a video of Dakota arguing and fighting.

**Via Video**

???: (laughing)

Chris: Yo! Who the fvck is laughing?

???: (walks forward) What up broke a$$? *smiling*

Dakota: Not this b!tch.

???: first off, I'm not a b!tch and second, what is your ugly broke ass doing here? Yo baby daddy left you and your ugly ass kids for someone else who has money?

Chris: You're not about to dis my family like that!

???: (laughs) You're not even related to them. Chris, baby, you're smart, not stupid. They look like monkeys.

Dakota: (just took off on her)

Everyone Else: {Just stood there and watched.}

Chris and Sean: (pulled Dakota off)


{Security escorted the girl out of the studio.}

**Video Ended**

Kelly: That girl just don't know when to stop, do she?

Patrick: I bet she learned her lesson this time. (Smiling/playing with Amori)

Dustin: She better because ain't nobody about to talk about my kids and fiancée and just think they can get away with it.

Bryan: Fiancée?

Dustin: Yes.

Carnell: So, she forgave you?

Dustin: She said it will take her time to.

Kelly: But she will still marry you?

Dustin: Yeah. (Holding Milan as he slept)

Ali: I know my cuz, and when she says what she said, she means it.

[Back In L.A.]

Dakota was out with Sean and Ambrya. They had went to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. They sat there eating and talking, getting to know each other better.

Ambrya: You're a nurse, too?

Dakota: Yeah.

Sean: Damn! What else don't you do? (Laughs)

Dakota: (laughs) Strip.

Ambrya: I heard that! (Laughing)

Dakota: Brya, I love you rosary tatt!

Ambrya: Thanks! Do you have any?

Dakota: Yeah. I Have about 3.

Sean: What are they?

Dakota: A koi fish swimming under a lotus flower, Roman numerals of the twins birthday, and a Tulip that's not finished.

Ambrya: When are you going to finish the Tulip?

Dakota: Whenever I figure out what to put with it.

Sean: Hopefully, while we're on tour, you'll get some inspiration.

Ambrya: And if not, we'll help you.

Dakota: Aww! Thanks!

** 1 Week Later**

[In Atlanta]

[On 106 & Park]

Chris: Alright, we about to premier my new video and it's called 'Love More' ft. Nicki Minaj!

*New Joint*

Ali: I love this song! *starts singing*

Kelly: This is Dustin's theme song. *starts laughing*

Carnell: *laughing* I agree!

Dustin: 😏 Sure it is.

Patrick: Aye! Go Kota!

Bryan: She's not in there.

Patrick: Bet! [snatches remote from Carnell] Watch closely.

They sat there watching the rest of the video until it was over.

Them: Ayye!!

Ali: She did that!

Kelly: I forgot how good she could dance.

Patrick: That's my Kota boo!

Dustin: 😊

Carnell: Y'all seen Ambrya, right?

All: Yeah! They did their thang!

[On Tour]

Everyone on the bus was asleep, well, except for Dakota. She decided to stay up and listen to some music. And the first song to play was Tamar Braxton's 'All The Way Home'. She started to feel a certain way and it had her thinking. The song made her text the one person she haven't talked to.

***Via Text Conversation***

Dakota: I miss you😌

Dustin: I miss you, too.😌

Dakota: How've you been?

Dustin: Good, just a little lonely.

Dakota: You have the twins.

Dustin: Yeah, I know. But I've been lonely without you here, talking to me. I can't tell them the things I think about. Lol.

Dakota: Lol, you can tell your brothers and sister-in-law.

Dustin: But, what I think about is not for them.

Dakota: Oh. *blushing*

Dustin: 😊

Dakota: You're to much. 😄

Dustin: 😁 But you love me, tho.

Dakota: .....

Dustin: Baby?

Dakota: Sorry. I was talking to the driver. But, I do love you. 😍😘

Dustin: 😍. 💏?

Dakota: Yes😊

Dustin: Really?😳

Dakota: Yes.😊

Dustin: 👀 ❤️ U w. All my ❤️!

Dakota: Aww! And 👀❤️U, ✌️! I really miss you, Michael.😌

Dustin: I really miss you, Mi Amor.😌

Dakota: *sent to him* 1 Attachment
[A/N: She was wearing the white jersey crop top, distressed shorts, knee socks, and Jordans. (The outfit from when Chris was dancing w. the girls on Nicki Minaj's part.)]

Dustin: 😳

Dakota: I took this during the day of the video.

Dustin: It's beautiful.

Dakota: Thanks.


Dakota: *blushing x3* My cheeks are hurting. Lol.

Dustin: *sent to her* 1 Attachment
[A/N: It was a picture of the twins sitting up playing toys, in a matching outfit, same for Dustin. He was holding their backs for support.]

Dakota: 😭 My family.❤️

Dustin: I had Jim set up everything.

Dakota: I ❤️ it!

Dustin: I'm glad that you do. 😊

Dakota: 😊. Get on FaceTime but use your laptop.

Dustin: Ok........ At least I get to look at you while we're texting.😊

Dakota: 😊 I can definitely say the same.

Dustin: Are you the only one up?

Dakota: *shook her head* Yeah.

Dustin: Night owl?

Dakota: Sort of. I'm not even tired.

Dustin: I'm glad that you're not. 😊

Dakota: Why?

Dustin: I could stay up and just talk to you all night. 😌

Dakota: 😊


The two stayed up all night texting and face timing each other until it was the next day. Chris was the first up and seen that Dakota was on FaceTime with Dustin. He seen her phone unlocked and seen that she was texting him, too. I guess you can't get rid of something that they have. This is some Ordinary Love.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now