Sickness & Health (Pt. 2)

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I stood up from my seat and got a even better look at his eye and sure enough my baby had heterochromia iridum. I grabbed the phone again and dialed the front desk and asked if they can send Dr. Johnson back in here and they said 'ok'. I thanked the nurse and hung up the phone.

Me: Sweetie, how do you feel?

Milan: (shrugged)

Me: Do your tummy hurt?

Milan: A wittle.

Me: Does anything else hurts?

Milan: (points to his head)

Me: Did you hit your head?

Milan: (shook his head)

Me: Does your head hurt on the inside?

Milan: (nodded slowly)

Me: Ok.

I rubbed my hand through his curly hair as he continued to watch me. While we waited for Dr. Johnson to get in here, the longer I played in his hair, he started to get sleepy and eventually closed his eyes.

*Knock Knock*

Dr. Johnson walked in.

Dr. Johnson: You wanted to see me?

Me: Yes. Um....when you had left out, a few minutes later I seen that he has some discoloration to his left eye and realized that it is Heterochromia Iridum.

Dr. Johnson: Let me take a look.

I gently shook Milan so that he could open his eyes for. She walked over to the side that I was on and pulled out her little light. She opened his eye a little wider and checked.

Dr. Johnson: (clicked off her light) You're right. He sure does have Heterochromia.

Me: Could there be any other reason as to why this is happening now?

Dr. Johnson: Well, this was to happen when he was born but he got lucky. But this also can happen by disease or injury.

I thought back to when he was hurt and realized when Khleo shot up Chucky E. Cheese.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now