Let Me Tell You

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Dakota P.O.V

After the encounter with Kelly and Patrick, I decided to do my shift during grave yard because I couldn't take that. Knowing that I was at work, trying to do my job and taking care of your brother and son, you go make me do that shit.? I've never in my life dealt with something like that before and still am. Even when I'm at home, I'm getting harassed to where I told Ali and Paco and they just told me to change my number and block them from any social media. Paco wanted to beat the living shit out of the guys but, I told him don't worry about them.

When I'm not visiting Dustin, I go and spend time with Diablo. He's like another brother to me and it's hard to believe that he hasn't waken up yet. It's going on a month and a half. Exactly how Ali is feeling is how I'm feeling. He, Ali, and Paco are all the twins and I have left. To explain what I mean about those three being all that we have, would take forever but, to shorten it, I would say that we lost our parents and right along with Ali and Diablo's parents. So, my babies can't meet their grandparents or aunt and uncle when they get older.

But, they've met the Tio Paco and let me just say......they both absolutely adore him. Everyday, he'll come over just to see them or he'll just spend the night and would sleep in either of the Twins room and roll the other baby into the room with him. I'm happy that I have another person from my side of the family back in my life.

It's 10:20 at night and I'm just checking on the patients that's on my floor. I get to Diablo and Dustin's side and I contemplate if I should go into either of the rooms but, ended up going into Dustin's.

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about him, not because of the incident but, really, really thinking about him. I make my way over to the chair that's right next to his bed and take a seat. Before pouring my heart out, I made sure that I was relaxed and had my words in order.

Me: *inhaled....exhaled* Hey, Dustin....it's Dakota. Um, I-I know....*sighs* Lately, I've been thinking. Since you've been in here, that incident really opened up my eyes and showed me that I can or will lose you at any moment. (Grabbed his hand/held it) If God so happens to take you away from us tonight, then I just want you to know that.........I love you. I've never stopped loving you since that day we left. Yeah, I know I just up and left with the twins but, if you wanted us to workout so that we could get married, then I had to leave. Night and day I prayed that you would call so that I could tell you that it didn't matter about the money but, you never did........Honestly,..I don't know what else to say about any of this but, that I'm sorry. I'm sorry about letting money come between us. I'm sorry about taking the Twins away from you. I'm sorry for putting you in danger. I'm.....*starts crying* I'm sorry for everything!!

I laid my head next to him and just cried my eyes out until there wasn't anymore tears left.


I slowly raised my head to see Ruby standing in the door with a sympathetic look. She walked over to my side and just hugged me. And the tears continued to fall. She walked the both of us out of the room and into the hall. When we got into the hall, I over at Diablo's room and just broke down with Ruby still holding onto me.

Ruby: Love, I want you to go home and take the rest of this month off.

Me: No, I can't. I-I'm fine. (Wiping my tears away) And plus,....I don't want anyone else watching them.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now