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I stood up from my bed and slowly walked over to my love and just kissed her. Minutes later, I pulled away and just stared at her, which caused her to start blushing.

Me: *chuckles* I see I still have that affect on you.

Alejandra: Of course. *smiles*

Me: is this possible? I mean your heart barely have one.

Alejandra: *chuckles*

She slowly sat up and reached for the heart monitor and hit it a few times. Then it showed her heart beats were good but then it went back to how it was before.

Me: What the hell?

Alejandra: I've been making it like that for a while now.

Me: *confused*

She stopped breathing for a few minutes and it went off and then stopped and looked at me smiling.

Me: Why?

Alejandra: Because I didn't want to wake up and you weren't up. So I acted like I was having a hard time.

Me: Don't ever scare me like that again. Do you understand me?

Alejandra: *nods*

I kissed her forehead and pulled back to see her looking up at me with sad expression. I was now confused.

Me: What's wrong?

Alejandra: You.

Me: Me? What about me?

Alejandra: Hearing that Chris and I dated.

Me: Oh.

Then it hit me. Of course I feel some type of way. Her and Chris both acted like they never had a past together and has always been close like a brother and sister type of relationship.

Alejandra: Yes. Everything you heard is true. We dated for three and a half years and on our fourth anniversary, I really started showing who I was and I almost killed him.

Me: *shocked* Y-You what?

Alejandra: I attacked him so badly that he was almost on death's doorstep. That's why no one knew about us. We both agreed to put the relationship and what I did, behind us. Like as if nothing has happened. Like he said..those memories....the ones I planted into his mind, will never go away. It's my fault he's like that now. I didn't mean for any of that to happen but Nakita was fucking with me and caused me to loose two of the best fucking people in the world.

Now she was crying. I really never knew that Nakita had been messing with her so heavy like that. Now, that I think about it, I remember when we - I mean - when she first met "Dustin" and was giving him a hard time before giving him a chance. She knew once she got into another relationship that it wasn't going to last long because of Nakita's ass. My baby can never get a break from this evil bitch!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now