About Nakita

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Real Full Name: Alexandra Nadine Imari Reecé

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Real Full Name: Alexandra Nadine Imari Reecé

D.O.B: 10/28/1987

Age When Entered Institute: 7

Age When Died: 15

Illnesses: Skin Disease, Stage 2 Multiple Personality Disorder.

Cause of Death: Experiment gone wrong.

Alexandra was an fraternal twin to Alejandra. The two were so different that you can tell them apart. Alexandra's skin begun changing when she was three years old and MPD came shortly after. When years went by, she gained different personalities to where her family didn't know what to do or couldn't handle it, so they took her to Mulberry Hill.

For two years, she was calm since being brought in here but when she turned nine years old, everything went back to when she first came. When she was told that her twin was also there, she was fine but when a special boy noticed her sister and not her, she went extremely mad...in her head. The personalities were twice as worst than before.

Anyone that would come and see her, she would just push them away, told her doctor that she didn't want no visitors and even tried doing the same for her sister but the request got denied.

Alexandra tried pulling her sister away from the boy but only making her sister push her away. She did not like the idea of her twin and the boy she fell hopelessly in love with, being together...when she had her eyes and her heart on him first. As they got older, Alexandra regretted ever being a sister to Alejandra because she always got treated better than she did.

One day, during the summer, the year they were both turning 15, the doctors thought..that if they did an experiment, it will help Alexandra's skin condition but it just went wrong. Instead of fixing her skin, the bright light burned her into ashes.

Being already crazy, she turned into an malevolent ghost and latched onto her sister's and her crush's brain; controlling them and their lives.

Now, she forever lives in the darkness....as long as the two are alive.


The last chapters were inspired by the movie 'Lights Out'.


Can anybody tell me where Nakita is from?

*HINT*: She's from one of my other books.

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