I...We Need You

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Dakota P.O.V (cont.)

I laid Dustin's head gently back on the grass and made my way over to Paco. He rolled over onto his back and I helped him sit up.

Paco: Ay, sis!

Me: Paco! (Hugs him) I missed you so much!

Paco: Ah! Ah! Easy on the arm!

Me: Sorry! (Released him) What are you doing here?! (Looked at the other guy) And who is that?

Paco: Go and see.

Getting up from next to Paco, I slowly walked over to the other guy, turning him onto his back. Once his face was in my direction, I backed up so fast that I almost fell. I pulled out my phone and then, I dialed 9-1-1.

Ali P.O.V (cont.)

"It was said that it was just a family outing when a man walked up to the mother of two and pointed a gun right between her eyes. The father was on the phone and was not aware of the situation. When suspect raised his gun at the father, the mother screamed for his attention and he looked up. She said that she didn't know what else to do but, knock the suspect down. She a-"

Reporter: M'am, how do you feel?

(Dakota popped onto the screen and she looked like hell.)

Dakota: You're asking me how do I feel?! Do you not see what the *bleep* happened?! I told you *bleep* what the *bleep* happened!!! AND YOU'RE STILL *bleep* ASKING?!?! WHAT MORE DO YA'LL *bleep* WANT?!?!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now