See Ya'....For Now. (II)

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Dakota. (Cont.)

So, I'm going to tell you guys about what you all just heard, while Ali and the guys talk to our parents.

It was the end of our Junior year and I was at the end of my first trimester, beginning the second. A few nights before, Danny had proposed to me, making our little family complete.

One day during our summer break, we were out, hanging with Andrew at the Mall. We were on our way to Osh Kosh, when I started to feel something warm run down my legs. I stopped walking and looked down to see blood dripping onto the ground and making a huge stain in the front of my jeans and as well as the back. Now noticing that I stopped walking, the guys turned around and seen the blood. In one swift motion, Danny scooped me up and started running towards the entrance with Andrew behind us. We get to the car and just got in.

Sitting in the back with me, holding me, not caring about the blood getting on his clothes, Danny held me so close that I felt his tears dripping onto my chest. We both knew what's happening and only did one thing.........cried.

We finally pulled up to the hospital, I was immediately rushed in.

Already knowing what happened, I told the doctor that I didn't want to know and just left. Danny stayed behind and talked to the doctor. I didn't know why, it was only going to make him even more depressed but, it was whatever. When he came out to the car, I just told Andrew to take us home. And that's what he did.

Since we had lost the baby......nothing had been the same....between us. One minute, we're not talking to each other, next we're going at each other's throats. It was like..what the other did, it irritated or pissed off the other. It had been like that for months until it got to the point where we were putting hands on each other. So, we just thought it was best to call it quits and split ways. I had packed up all my stuff, while Danny was in class, and just left. When he had found out, he didn't even try to contact me and I knew he wouldn't. But....remembering that I had the engagement ring, I thought I would go give it back to him. So, I go over to his house and noticed that he wasn't home. My thought was to put it into the mailbox and right when I was about to, he opened the door and we just stared at each other.

Without saying anything, he just pulled me into his house and into him and held me as we both cried. Seeing each other since I left, only brings us to tears.


The only reason why I went over there, was to give him the ring back but.....he told me to keep it. Since then...I've kept it put away.

Y'all can say whatever you want but, I'm glad that Isaiah came up with this plan because I never thought I would ever see Danny again. He will always be my first. Yeah, Dustin and I have kids together and I will always love him but, I don't know, right now.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now