The Talk....Again

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The next morning came and I was up making coffee as I waited for Dustin to text me, letting me know that he is here. While I was waiting for the coffee to be done, I started thinking on what to say to Dustin because.... I already know he's going to bring up the topic of us and why we we're not together.

It's like I can't just be alone and enjoy this time alone, with my kids? Like I have to be with someone. I don't want that. I just want to be single and focus on my babies for the time being. I'm just really tired of repeating myself.


Me: *sighs* He's here.

I walked to my room and grabbed my robe and slippers and made my way outside to see him in his trunk, pulling out his bags. As I started walking closer, you could hear my slippers scraping against the ground, which caused him to stop pulling things out of his trunk and look up at me. He smiled and I did the same.

Dustin: Morning.

Me: Morning.

Dustin: Are the kids awake?

Me: No. They don't get up for another two hours.

Dustin: Oh...ok. Well I'm going to start bringing my things in.

Me: Do you need help?

Dustin: Nope. I got it.

He started grabbing his bags.

Me: You sure?

Dustin: Yeah I'm sure.

And began to walk off into my house.

Me: I guess.

I followed in after him and went into the kitchen to grab my coffee and headed back to my room and closed the door. Placing my coffee mug on my night stand, I took off my robe and got back into my bed. Seeing my iPad off to the side, I grabbed it, along with my earphones and unlocked it. I went to my podcasts and resumed what I was listening to lastly.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now