I'm Sorry (Pt. 2)

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Dakota P.O.V (Cont.)

*Right now, it's two months since Dakota told Ali, as of a couple of days ago. So, they're in April.*


It was 9 at night when I received a text from Dustin.

D.M♥️👩🏽👦🏽👧🏽: Can we talk?

Um, sure! :K.🐻♥️👦🏽👧🏽

Here or? :K.🐻♥️👦🏽👧🏽

D.M♥️👩🏽👦🏽👧🏽: No......at the park.

D.M♥️👩🏽👦🏽👧🏽: Alone.

D.M♥️👩🏽👦🏽👧🏽: I'll come and get you.

Ok. :K.🐻♥️👦🏽👧🏽


As soon as I placed my phone on my belly, Danny walked in.

Me: Hey, baby?

Danny: Yeah?

Me: Do you mind if I go out with Dustin?

Danny: (looked at me) What?

Me: No, I meant that he texted me and asked if we can talk. I told him yeah and he's on his way to come pick me up.

Danny: Why can't y'all talk here?

Me: I don't know but, I think it's about what happened to him last year and he doesn't want anybody else to know.

Danny: (nods)......Where are y'all going?

Me: Park.

I slowly climbed into all fours, trying to get out the bed. I felt hands on my waist and placed my feet on the floor and made my way to my dresser. Since I was only in one of Danny's shirts and my panties, I grabbed a pair of sweats. Once I had the sweats on, I turned around to see Danny handing me my sweater and moccasins.

Minutes later, Dustin texted me saying that he was outside. I rose from the couch, with the help of Danny and made my way to the door. I opened it to see Dustin standing there, with his hands tucked into his hoodie pocket. He stuck one hand out and I grabbed onto it and we made our way to his car.

Me: So.....what did you want to talk about?

He rubbed the back of his neck as if trying to figure out how to tell me what he had to say. There was an long silence until he looked up at me.

Dustin: There's no easy way to say this.....and I hope you can forgive me-(gco)

Me: Dustin, what is it?

Dustin: *sighs* .........When we all first moved out here........ I had.....remember that girl, La'Tina?

Me: Yeah? What about her?

Dustin: Well........me and her had slept together for  two months and she ended up getting pregnant.

Me: 😳

Dustin: Dakota, I-I'm so-(gco)

Me: When....when did she have the baby?

Dustin: Last night. Dakota, I-(gco)

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