Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin & Bryan Breeding Story)

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I get called to the receptionist desk to go and take care of the patient in room 520. I grabbed the clip bored and walked into the room. "Mr. Breeding," I say before I bumped into my cousin Allison. "Ali?" I had said, "Kota?", she had said. Then we hugged each other. I haven't seen or talked to her since 3 years ago. That's when we both moved to different cities. "How you've been?" Ali asked me, "I've been good and yourself?" I asked her while walking to Dustin.

-Ali: I've been good and I thought you were in Vegas?

Me: I was but I had finished college and decided to move back home.

Ali: And now you're a nurse! (smiling as she says that)

Me: (Smiled and started talking to Dustin) Now tell me what happened to your chest.

Dustin: Well, we had a concert that we just came from and everything was going good, until the girls broke down the fence and hopped on the stage coming straight at us and as you can see (pointing at his chest) I was the only one who was hurt.

Carnell: Well, maybe if you kept your shirt ON, then you wouldn't be here!

Dustin: Man, just shut up!

Me: Hey guys, calm down and I agree with Carnell.

-The guys all looked at me except for Ali because she knows that I LOVE me some B5!

Kelly: How do you know his name? (pointing at Carnell)

Me: Umm, who doesn't know who he is?. You're Kelly, Bryan, Patrick, and of course Dustin. You're B5!

Bryan: Why didn't you scream like a crazy fan girl when you saw us?

Me: We'll, because I'm at work and secondly, I really don't freak out when I see celebrities. I just treat them like they want to be treated....normal. (Smiles)

Patrick: Ahh, finally! We can go somewhere without being chased out the place, haha.

Me: (Laughing)

While cleaning Dustin's scratches and removing the acrylic nails from his chest, I asked Ali how long is she in town for then asked her did she wanted to come shopping with me when I get off of work to catch up on lost time. She agreed and gave her my cell number and address. As I was finishing up with Dustin, he began to check me out, like he knew me or something.

Me: Can I help you with something...else?

Dustin: Yes, with your number. (Smiling as he says that)

Me: (giggles) It's (323) Not A Chance (walking out of the room, high-fiving Ali and laughing to myself)

The other guys and Ali laughs at Dustin as he sits and act cool.

Carnell: Ali, how do you know her?

Ali: Who? Dakota? She's my cousin.

Bryan: (whispers to himself) She's beautiful.

Ali: What did you say Bryan? (Already knew what he said, just wanted him to say it out loud)

Bryan: Huh? Umm, nothing. She's nice. (Smiling and blushing)

Ali's thought: (smiles at Bryan) w. her right eyebrow arched up "I already know what you said" kind of look.

Bryan: (Blushing again)

I walked back into the room noticing Ali and Bryan making eye contact w. each other as soon as I walk back in. I walk back over to Dustin and gives him a prescription to get cream for his scratch marks.

Dustin: Thanks Pretty Lady (smiling)

Me: You're welcome, Mr. Smooth. (smiles then into a smirk)

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now