Ordinary Love Pt. 2 (Teaser)

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**1 Week Later**

Dakota Pov

So, the tour is over and I get to go home to my babies! This has been the LONGEST two weeks and the LONGEST I have ever been away from them since they were born. As soon as the jet had landed, I jumped off, ran to my car that was parked, waiting for me and I had jumped in with Brya, Sean, and Chris. Once, we were all in, I sped off with no hesitation until I was home. When I reached my door and had my hand on my door knob, everything that happened before I left, came rushing back to where I lost my balance, almost landing on the ground.

Sean: [caught me]

Brya: Dakota! Are you ok?!

Me: *crying*

Chris: Sis, it's going to be ok. Let's just get you inside. ok?

Me: (nodded my head)

After Sean helped me to my feet, we all went inside and..........


Me: What?

Michael: We told you that we would help you, no matter what.

Me: How did you get my funiture back?

Kae: Jim told us where you went and went back to buy it all back.

Chy: Enough asking questions. I'm ready to show her.

Me: Show me what?

Chris: You'll see! *smirks*

Before, showing me what they had for me, I was blind folded and led up the stairs. I was scared as to what they had gotten but once we stopped walking, the blind fold was removed.


My Room••

Me: *in schock*

Ali: KOTA BEAR!!! [ran up to and hugged me]

Patrick: MY KOTA BOO!! [ran up to and hugged me]

Kelly & Carnell: KOTA!!

A,P,K,C: We missed you!

Me: I missed you, too! *gets teary eyed* I..I don't know what to say.

Carnell: You don't say nothing, well, not until you see this........ (Opens a door)


The Twins Room••

Jim: Hey, Dakota! (Hugs me)

Me: Hey, Jim! (Hugs him back)

Bryan: Hey, sister-n-law! (Hugs me)

Me: Hey, lil brother-n-law! (hugs him back)

When it was Dustin's turn, everyone got quiet and just stared at us as I walked up to him and just stood in front of him. My thought when I stared at him, directly in his eyes, was to curse him out, beat the shit out of him, grab my kids and just leave him, but I did none of that. I just stood there. There was so many thoughts and emotions just going through my body to where I just collapsed to the floor.

The last thing I remember seeing was.....


Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now