I...We Need You (Pt. II)

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Dakota P.O.V

3 and a Half Months Later

A/N: King's birthday was in March and right now, we're in September.


"Morning, babes!"

Me: *groaned* Angela?!

"And Ruby Jayde, of course! *laughs*"

Me: Uh, do y'all heifers know what time it is?!

"Uh, yeah."

"It's 12 o'clock in the afternoon. So, why is your little mixed ass still asleep?"

Me: Well, if you must know......Ali and Paco went out of town for the week, again and I've been watching the Twins and they've been getting into everything since they're now 2. And last night, they were fighting their sleep. We stayed up until 3 this mornin'. So, there's the reasons why I'm still asleep and hoping to go back before they wake up.

"Well, you should get up and the twins as well."

Me: Why? (Sounding curious)

"I think it's time to come and see Dustin. Do you think you can handle seeing him w/o breaking down?"

Me: ..........yeah.

"Are you sure?"

Me: Yeah.

"Ok! See you guys when you get here!"

Me: Ok!

"Love ya'! (Hung up)"


It's been over 5 months since both guys have been in comas and it's almost about that time for the doctors to pull the plug. Today, I'm hoping that they both awake.

I place my phone back onto my night stand and got up. Walking into my bathroom, I looked myself in the mirror and seen how I had dark rings around my eyes and had bags underneath them. I grabbed my tooth brush and began brushing them. After, I washed my face and headed into Amori's room and seen both of my little monsters standing up in their cribs, smiling at one another.

Me: *smiling* What are you two smiling about?

Milan: Mama! *claps*

Me: Milan!

Amori: Mama! *claps, too*

Me: Amori! *clapped, also*

Milan: Up, mama! Up!

Me: *chuckles*

I went over to his crib and picked him up, as well as Amori.

Me: Wanna go see papi?

Twins: Sí! Sí! Sí!

Me: *chuckles* Ok!

Since they were 1, I've been talking to them in Spanish, as well as in Korean. They seem to understand what I say and repeat it, also. It's so adorable.

After placing kisses on their little faces, I took them into their bathroom and started the water and helped them out their pajamas and diapers.

Finally, getting myself dressed, I had on a white tank top, black leggings (the thick kind), a grey jacket, my grey UGG boots, my necklace that I got personalized of the Twins birthday in Roman numerals, and my Michael Kors gold watch. I just threw my hair into a messy bun with a black headband. The twins were basically in black sweats, customized onesies that says on Milan's, "I'm her older brother👉🏽" and Amori's, "I'm his little sister👈🏽" , and they both had on black/white Air Maxes.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now