The Twins

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As the days go on, everyone managed to keep their lives going. Even the twins, Milan and Amori. Not knowing what's going on, they try to understand why they haven't seen their mommy or daddy yet or Nolan. They would ask their Tio and cousins but they would always change the subject so they won't have to answer them and so the twins wouldn't keep asking. Getting older, the twins were starting to understand stuff but bits and pieces. Well....Milan understands what's going on but not really. He knows his parents are in the hospital but doesn't know why; whereas his twin does not know anything that is going on except for what goes on in her mind and through her eyes.

She thinks that she is seeing people, hearing voices, or sees things moving. She's tries telling her brother but he doesn't understands. Sometimes he sees her talking to the wall or her toys. He's very confused and gets scared and runs to the adults but he doesn't like leaving his sister alone. It saddens him but what can he do to help? Help understand what is going on with his sister.

Well....this day.....he will completely understand what is wrong with Amori.

he will completely understand what is wrong with Amori

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The kids was all out in the back playing in the kiddie pool with Ali while Andrew and Isaiah went to the store. Amori was getting thirsty and wanted some juice. She asked Ali could she grab one and was told that she could. Milan wanted one as well and so she got out of the pool and started running to the cooler that was by the back door. When she made it to the cooler, she opened it to be presented with a lot of Capri Suns. She grabbed two; one for her and one for her brother. When she was reaching for two more, she seen something move out the corner of her eye and looked a little to her left and seen something black standing in the shadow that was near the door. She dropped the juices she had in her arms and continued to stare.

Milan had realized that his sister had not returned and looked up to see that she was not at the cooler anymore but seen that she was in the house. He got out of the pool and went after her. When he made it closer to the house, he could see that something was leading her towards the center of the living room. He followed after until he was directly underneath his sister.

Amori was led into the house that just automatically turned dark. She was really afraid and just wanted to be back outside but what had her trapped, was not letting her go. When they were in the middle of the living room, she noticed that she was being lifted up into the air. Her fear was really starting to kick in which caused her to start crying, kicking, and screaming for her brother and Ali.

Milan stood there not knowing what to do whereas Ali is running into the house with Anahi and also Isaiah and Andrew as well. They all ran in to see Milan in the middle of the living looking up at something and their gazes just followed and became petrified. Amori was so high up to where she was completely out of their reach. Then she just dropped, screaming for dear life.

Isaiah instantly jumped over the couch, onto the table and jumped up to grab her while Andrew hurried and grabbed Milan out of the way just in case they fell back on him but Isaiah changed that. He put so much force into the direction he had wanted them to fall, which happens to be the couch. Amori was still screaming her little head off, clinging to Isaiah for dear life. Ali and Andrew had ran over to the two to make sure that Amori was alright.

Milan continued to stare up at the ceiling. He finally saw what was always talking to his sister, make her look worried, scared, even has her afraid to sleep at night. He now find it in his big brother duties, that he will do whatever to protect his sister from whatever that is.

 He now find it in his big brother duties, that he will do whatever to protect his sister from whatever that is

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Afraid to be alone, she slept with Ali every night because she felt safer with a adult. I mean she feels safe when she's with Milan but she just wanted to be extra safe. But that was all about to change.

While everyone was asleep, Amori, Milan, and one other were the only ones awake. Snuggling more into Ali, couldn't but help to whimper a little to let Ali know that they weren't alone but as expected, Ali didn't get the hint. Amori tried again while the unknown stood and watched her get help but was failing terribly. It crept closer towards the bed and Amori could see that it was coming closer to her and Ali. She gave up on making noise and decided to shake her until she woke up, which worked.

Ali: Sweetie, what's wrong?

Amori: (pointed)

Ali turned her head to see the thing that had once tormented her beloved cousin and cousin-in-law. Fear was now instilled. As soon as the unknown had taken a few steps closer to them, they began to scream, Milan appeared with his flashlight. The unknown had disappeared. He hurried and turned the light on so it was just more light than just his little light. Andrew and Isaiah both ran into Ali's room to see both she and Amori clinging to each other while Milan had gotten into the bed to hug them.

An/Is: What happened?!

Amori: It back, Tio!

Isaiah: What's back, 'Mori?

Amori: *shaking her head*

Isaiah: Ali, what is Amori talking about?

Ali: *sighs* (looked at An) I think you need to go get Anahi.

He looked at her confused and turned to go into his daughter's room to get her but had seen something sitting on her bed with her. Without wasting another second, he flipped the light on and looked all around and grabbed Anahi and went back into Ali's room with everyone else. He held her close to her and walked back into the room with a horrified look upon his face. Isaiah noticed.

Isaiah: What wrong?

Andrew: (cont. to look horrified)

Isaiah: (looked back at Al) What the hell is going on? What's back?

She looked at him and said one thing.



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P.s. : If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!!

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