Opened Old Wounds

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Me: So....since y'all taking ya sweet time to get to the really important stuff, I'll just lay it all out. Zaire, push Alejandra up to the table and you take a seat. Dr. Brenner, Chris, y'all take one, too. Let me make a call.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled out my phone. I go to my recent calls and tap Andrew's name.

"Ali, what up!"

Me: Nothing much. Look.. I need you to come over to Chris's.


Me: Alejandra.

"Fuck. Alright I'll be there. (Hung up)"


Slipping my phone back into my back pocket, I go to the fridge and started pulling out food to make for these fools.

Me: Alright. Let's get into it. I'm just going to tell y'all how I knew about Alexandra, Alejandra and Zaire.

Ok, so..everyone in the family knew that the twins were mentally ill but that Alexandra was the worst out of the two. She had a  skin disease and was diagnosed with Stage 2 Multiple Personality Disorder. Alejandra was/still is diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Depression. Alexandra was emitted into Mulberry Hill when she and Alejandra had turned 7 and Alejandra was emitted two years later. Out of Andrew, Isaiah, and myself, I was the only one who would go visit them..well Alejandra. Alexandra wanted no one to come and see her. And we didn't.

One day, around the second week of summer, the year the twins were turning fourteen, I went to go visit Alejandra and we just talked about everything that had went on in there and what went on at home. But on that particular day, I met Zaire Bleu, himself.

Zaire: *smiles*

Me: Anyways! While visiting, Zaire thought that it was cute to take Alejandra away while we were talking. Watching them run out of the visiting room, I ran after them to ended up on some field. He had set up a picnic for them by this river that was there. The whole time I watched them be cute, I realized that they were in love and just wanted to be happy and feel normal. Looking down at my watch, I was getting ready to get up and go tell Dr. Brenner that they were on the field until I saw Alexandra. She was just watching them be a happy couple.

Not completely understanding, I watched her and them a little more and realized that she was in love with Zaire. Staring at her, she felt me staring and looked at me and left. Not even two months later, we find out that she died. This girl had so many personalities that it got to a point where they decided to try an experiment. The machine they had used, had a bright light that burned her alive.

Not knowing what to do since our parents had left, we just did a little ceremony for her. Alejandra was the only one who showed any emotion because that was her twin but also she was the only one who really knew her. And of course, Zaire was there to show his support.

Andrew: And when Isaiah and I met him. Being that they were both Schizophrenics, they both kept each other.....sane. No matter what those people did up there to them, they stayed sane until.....their birthdays came.

"On October 28, Alejandra started  "acting" strange. Not just towards Zaire or us but to everyone."

Chris: What do you mean?

"Like she always to herself, always pushing Zaire away..even though he was acting the same way except for him not being pregnant."

[We all looked at Alejandra and seen that she had her head lowered. Zaire gently touched her chin and turned her head towards him.]

Zaire: You were pregnant?

Alejandra: *sniffles* Yeah. I had found out that I had a miscarriage.

Zaire: Why didn't you tell me?

Alejandra: I couldn't face you let alone tell you that I killed our baby.

Dr. Brenner: But Alejandra, you didn't.

Alejandra: Yes, I did!

Dr. Brenner: No, you didn't. You were under a lot of stress and it's common for women to have a miscarriage in the first Trimester.

Zaire: See? It happened naturally.

Alejandra: *nods*

Zaire: Don't ever say that you terminated our child or listen to those voices in your head. Understand?

Alejandra: Yes. *smiles*

Zaire: Ok. *smiles & kissed her forehead*

Me: Ok. Back to the situation. So-(gco)

Alejandra: I think we should be the ones to finish telling the rest.

Me: Alright..go ahead.

Zaire: So....first of baby didn't kill anyone especially her own parents, aunt, and uncle.

Me: It was Alexandra.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Andrew & Isaiah: You're lying!

Me: I wish I was.

[While everyone was talking all at once, I was watching Alejandra struggle to get out of the ropes but her eyes were changing colors. But th-(gco)]

Alejandra: 🎵Oh, Na-Ki-Ta!! Come out, come out, wherever you are!🎵

We all looked around then back at Alejandra.

Alejandra: *took a deep breath* NA-fucking-KITA! BRING YOUR FUCKING MANIPULATIVE ASS OUT HERE!!!

Again, we all looked around but didn't see her.

Alejandra: ALEXANDRA!!!!! BRING YOUR MONKEY LOOKIN' ASS OUT HERE!!! (Starts going crazy)

"*slow clapping* Congrats, played yourself! *laughs*"

Alejandra: Come here, Sis!

Nakita: What's the matter? And why are you tied up like a wild banshee?

Alejandra: I'm going to ask you this and ask you once.....Did you kill mamá and papá?

Nakita: ............


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P.s. : If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!!

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