You're A Trip! (Pt. I)

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Dakota P.O.V (snippet cont.)

Walking into my bathroom, I decided that I would take a bath and just relax. After having the water ran, I stripped out of my clothes and grabbed my little towel and Sex Bomb bath bomb and got into the tub. I sat the bomb in the water and watched as it dissolve. It was so pretty.

Settling more into the tub, I rested my head on the built in headrest and closed my eyes. Thinking back on what just happened, I realized that he left. I feel so stupid.

Dustin P.O.V

What the fuck just happened? One minute we were having a little fun then, next she's all pissed. It was just a fucking joke!

Would y'all believe me if I said that she's still not trusting me or at least ready to be in a relationship with me...again? Yeah? Yeah, I had that feeling when she flipped out.

Instead of staying at the house, I decided to come to take a walk on the strip. That has been what I've been doing lately, instead of resorting to the drugs and alcohol. For it to be 8:30 at night, it was a chill night. Like there is no clubs popping off or bars crowed as usual. And for me, that's a good thing. I don't need to be in that kind of environment, anyways. I need to think about the twins now that I'm back in their lives. Because I do not need a repeat of last year or 5 months ago. Turning back around, I bumped into someone, causing them to fall.

Me: I'm so sorry. (Helping them up) I didn't even see you.

?: It's alri- (looked up at me) Dustin?

Me: Do I know you?

?: You don't remember me from earlier?

Me: (shook my head) Not really. Sorry.

?: My name is La'Tina.

Me: Uh, But, I need to go and again I'm sorry. (Walked away)

La'Tina: Bye!

I knew exactly who she was. That's the girl who I was talking to at Michael's party, Dakota beating her ass, and me and her took a picture earlier when I went to the store. To me, she gives off a creepy, more like a sneaky vibe, and I don't like that. Good thing we don't live too far from the strip.


Making it back into the house, safely, I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a water, and headed right into my room........which is next door to Dakota's and across from the twins. I was already in sweats when I left here so, I slipped off my hoodie and shirt and tossed them onto my chair and did the same with my shoes. I climbed into bed and just laid, looking up at the ceiling, thinking. I could hear movement outside my door and paid it no mind until there was a soft knock at my door. Picking myself up and going over to the door, I opened it to see a little distraught Dakota.

Me: Can I help you?

Dakota: ....uh, can we talk?

Oh, now she wants to talk. Um, nope!

Me: (closed the door)

I closed the door right in her damn face and got back into my bed. I'll talk to her when I feel like I'm ready but, not the night.

Short, I know but, whatcha guys think?

In mm: Dustin and Dakota.

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P.s.: If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!

And also........go check out my girl,_dec13_ 's books. They're REALLY good and you'll love 'em!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now