See Ya'....For Now.

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Dustin: You said your parents?

Me: Mine and Isaiah's & Andrew and Dakota's. They all died the same day, same time, and same place. That's why you never hear us talk about them.

Dustin: Oh.....I'm sorry, Ali.

Me: (shook my head) It's fine. *sniffled* Um...I thought the twins were staying with Danny and Dakota?.

Dustin: They were but, I don't think they needed to be around them or me for now on.

Me: But, where are you going?

Dustin: I -he handed Milan to me and pulled out his phone and handed it to me- that's why.

Me: Who baby is this?

Dustin: Mine.

Me: (looked up at him) Dakota?

Dustin: It's not hers.....(trailed off)

Me: *sighs* She kn-(gco)

Dustin: Yes, she knows and that's why the twins are here.

Me: Go put the them in their rooms and come back down here.

He nodded and did what he was told. While I waited for him to return, I was thinking of what I would say to him. I want to go off on him so bad but, that's not my position to. I heard someone walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. Dustin.

Dustin: (sat down) What's up?

Me: .........Why?

Dustin: *sighs* ........

Me: No...the better question is....who and when did you fuck the bitch?

Dustin: That girl La'Tina and when we all first moved out here.

Me: It better not be the one from Michael's par-(gco)

Dustin: (just stared at me)

Me: (smh) I'm not even gone say anything. This is between you and Dakota. So, whatever goes on between you two, don't bring the rest of us in it.

Dustin: (nodded)

Me: And even if Dakota is with Danny, you will treat him with as much respect, since he's in this bullshit that could of been avoided and doing your job, since you failed to do so.

When I said that, he instantly grew sad but, that's not my fault. If he would've done what he was suppose to do and not to do, he would still be with Dakota but, look at him now.

Me: You're also going to be there for her as well since mostly likely the baby is yours than Danny's but, y'all will both be there for and with her. Got it?

Dustin: (nodding) Yeah.

Me: Alright. I'll see later.

I got up from my chair and went up to my room and climbed into bed.

Right now, it is six-thirty in the morning and today is the day that Dakota and I's parents died. And we're going over to Danny and Dakota's to pick her up. Danny is coming along, as well as the twins and we were going to have them stay in a hotel until we were finished. Dustin would have came but, I thought it was best if he stayed behind. Only for the simple fact that, that girl just had "his" baby.

To tell y'all the truth........that baby ain't his. That girl was fucking around before Dustin and just told him that her baby was his. I know I should've told him but, that ain't my business to tell him. So, I'll just let him find out on his own.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now