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Isaiah (Little) P.O.V

Me: Danny, come with me right quick.

He followed out to the back and we took a seat at the table that was away from the house.

Danny: What's up?

Me: Ok....since cuz lost two year's worth of her memory, I'm thinkin' the year she was in her last year of college.

Danny: And she was with me?

Me: Yeah.

Danny: So, what do you need from me?

Me: I need you to be her boyfriend, again.

Danny: What?

Me: Be with her. In order for her to get her memory back we need to start from there all up to here.

Danny: Man.... I don't know...I mean remember when we were in too deep? That shit killed me and I know it did to her as well.

Me: I know but, it's the only way.

Danny: I'm all for it but, I just can't see her hurt, again.

Me: Me, either but, what choice do we have?

Danny: *sighs*, what should I do?

Me: *thinks* ..... I was thinking along the lines of taking her back to your house.

Danny: What about the twins?

Me: Shit!........did y'all go anywhere besides Vegas?.

Danny: *thinking* .....We had came out here for Spring Break.

Me: Alright. Do you remember where y'all went?

Danny: Yeah and it's close by here.

Me: (nodded) Don't worry. We'll explain everything to Dakota so she knows.

He nodded and we went back into the house to see Dustin in the kitchen. He looked pissed.

Me: What's up?

Dustin: Nothing.

Me: You sure?

Dustin: Positive.

I just walked off went to go find everybody else and hung out with them.

Dustin P.O.V

The sight of his ass just irks my soul and the fact that Dakota is soooo fascinated by him just............UGH!!!!!!

I threw my cup I was drinking at the wall and just ran up on him and just started beating the shit out of him.


Sorry for the shortness, couldn't think of anything else buuut, whatcha think?

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P.s.: If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now