Blaming You

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Before you all start reading this chapter, just know that this chapter and next ones are only in Ali & Dakota's point of views. Every once in a while, I'll slip in someone else's POV but, the chapters are mainly theirs. So, that was a little heads up.

You may read. Enjoy!


Ali P.O.V (cont.)

Me: What?

Dakota: Diablo was shot, too. He and Dustin are both in a coma. He was also shot in the chest but, three times and twice in the head. His room is next to Dustin's.

I jumped up and ran back down the hall to get to his window and seen him lying there. His head was wrapped up and just like Dustin, so was his chest.

Me: I can't believe this. Nah, I'm not going to! (Hit the window)

Dakota grabs my shoulders and shook me.

Dakota: Believe it!

Me: No! (Eyes starts watering)

Dakota: Yes! Just face the facts that he's been shot, trying to save his family! If you were in my position, wouldn't you want Paco to save you and your kids?

She was right. I had to think about the kids safety. If he wasn't there, they wouldn't be here. Not even a minute later, I felt someone pull me into a hug. Looking up, I see that it is Paco.

Paco: I'm sorry, Tigre.

[I'm sorry, Tiger.]

Me: *starts crying*

Paco: Shhh! It's going to be ok. (Rubs my back)

I continued crying for the simple fact that Diablo is all that I have left. I mean I have Kota, the Twins, and Paco but, I meant from my parents. I would tell y'all what happened to our parents but, I can't. Maybe next time.

I told Paco and Dakota that I couldn't look at him anymore and that I was just going to head back home. They said ok and let me go but, not before hugging me, again. I walked back down the hall to get to the waiting to get Chyna but, her ass was no where to be found. I walked in the direction of the receptionist desk and found her flirtin' with Nurse Ruby. I walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder.

Chyna: Yes? (Turns around) Boo, what's wrong? (Look of worry written on her face)

Me: Can we just go. I can't be here anymore.

Chyna: Yeah, sure.

She turned back around and told Ruby that she had to go but, she didn't want her to. They kissed each other and we made our way out to the parking lot.

Me: I can't believe you kissed her.

Chyna: I can't believe she kissed me!

Me: Uh huh! We still got to talk about that.

Chyna: *giggles* K!

Dakota P.O.V

*Next Day*


This morning, I woke up with a huge headache due to the fact after I put the Twins down for bed, I cried my ass to sleep. The worst part about it is that I have to deal with his mom and brothers and explain the whole situation to them. Luckily, I have Paco with me.

My shift just barely started and I already don't want to be here. It's so fucking depressing that I have to see both Diablo and Dustin hanging on for their lives and deal with families crying and blaming me. Yeah. Ms. Adrian decided that it was my fault, seeing that her son came down here. I didn't tell him to come down. I haven't talked to him in a year up until yesterday. So, how in the fuck is it my fault? Then, being mommy's boys, they started blaming me as well.

••Dustin's Room••

Ms. Adrian: My poor baby! *starts crying*

Bryan: Ma', it's going to be ok. *glaring at me*

I'm in here cleaning his wounds and making sure they're not bleeding and all I keep getting is snide remarks and looks. And the constant being slick asking dumbass questions.

Kelly: Dakota, I thought you loved Dustin?

Patrick: Why put a hit out on him?

Kelly: Why can't you just tell our mom what you really did all this for.

Patrick: Dakota.

Kelly: Dakota.

Patrick: Dakota.

Kelly: Dakota.

Me: Shut up.

Patrick: Dakota.

Me: Shut up.

Kelly: Dakota.

Me: Shut up!

Patrick: Dakota.

Me: Shut up!

Kelly: Dakota.

Patrick: Dakota, tell her.

Kelly: Why won't you just tell us, Dakota?

Patrick: Come on, Dakota. I thought we were family?

Kelly: Dee, pleeease?!

Patrick: Daaa-kotaaa!

Me: SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!! (Threw the tray down)

I ran out the room and ran into the nearest bathroom and just cried. How you sit there and blame me?! The ones they should be blaming is the motherfucker who did this!!


Ali in the mm.

Whatcha think?

Yeah, I know it's short but, the next chapter will be longer. Promise! 😁

Vote. (+5) Comment. (+5)

P.s.: If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!

And also........go check out my girl, _dec13_'s books. They're really good and you won't be disappointed!

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