Old News But *NEW* News (Pt. II)

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Me: Dakota, why are you doing this?!

Alejandra : (stops walking) Did you really just ask me that? (Looks at me) And forget that, that is not my name?!?!!

Me: *gulps hard*

Alejandra: I shouldn't even be talking to your lying, manipulative ass!

Me: Lying and manipulative? How?!

Alejandra: (ignores me) Chris, what did I tell you about helping others?

Chris: I w-wasn't!

Alejandra: But you were telling/showing him about my past. No one told you to, did they?

Chris shook his head with no hesitation. What the hell has him so fucking shook by her?.

Dr. Brenner: Alejandra, back away from him!

She turned her head towards Dr. Brenner and then started smiling.

Alejandra: Dr. Brenner! Long time no see! Where have you been hiding?

She jumped down from the table and walked toward Dr. Brenner.

Dr. Brenner: I haven't been hiding. It's called working on helping mentally ill people.

Dakota's smile turned into a angry look.

Alejandra: I'M NOT MENTALLY FUCKING ILL!!! (Threw the knife)

The knife ended up missing Chris's head an inch to where it scared the shit out of him and made him fall out.

Me: Then what are you?!

I don't know how it happened but I ended up on my back looking up at her, snarling at me.

Alejandra: It's called being exposed to some gruesome shit. Having people mess with your head 24 hours 7 days a week to see what the fuck is wrong with you, what caused me to be like this but *starts laughing* there's nothing that can find out how I got like this!!

Me: Why did you do it? Huh? Why did you kill your family?

Dr. Brenner: Dustin, no! What are you doing?!

Alejandra stopped laughing and returned to doing her little snarl and I kept on asking her questions.

Me: Huh?! Why you do it?! What possessed you to do it?! Tell me, Dakota! FUCKING TELL ME!!!

She started breathing harder and harder 'til she grabbed what was behind her back and was about to stab me until she was hit upside the head. I looked at the person to see that it was Ali!

Me: Ali?!

Ali: Grab her and sit her in a chair and I will tie her up. (Looked to her left) Dr. Brenner, nice to see you again.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now