Not Going Anywhere

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Dakota P.O.V

After hyperventilating and crying for most of the hour, I had calmed down and told Ruby to bring the twins back in so they could give Dustin one last final kiss and hug.

This is going to be really hard.

Me: (took a deep breath) Let's get this over with.

Ruby stood up, holding Milan while I held Amori, making our way to Dustin. We stood on either side of him, holding the babies towards him.

Me: Ok, babies......give dad-dy (voice cracks).....give dad-dy one last kiss and hug.

They leaned forward and gave him a big kiss and hugged him for about 5 minutes until we pulled them away. I guess they know he's not waking up, so they both started crying, which made me start crying.

Me: Say, "I love you, dad-dy!"

Amori: I wuve....

Milan: ....wu, dad-dy.

Andrew: (took A from me)

Me: (hugging D) Dustin, I love you so much! I know that we aren't together but, that doesn't mean anything. I wanted to work things out and become a family again but, it seems that the Lord needs you more than we (shed a few tears)......more than we do...........Before you are taken from us, please, please show us a sign. Show us something......anything to let us know that you are still here.

Next thing I know, I felt a hand on my lower back.

"I love you, too."

Ali P.O.V

••Final Moments••

Me: I can't say how how much I'm going to miss you........*chuckles* I remember when we were little, you went to the Carnival with your friends and I'd always wanted to go with you and you always said, "Ali, you cannot go. You're too little.", and I would always, always cry because you would never come back until the next morning and then, leave again until Mom and Dad started forcing you to stay with me.

You always tried to stick me with Dakota just so you can go outside but, that plan always backfired until I decided that I wanted to go be with her. *laughs a little* Never wanted to be with me as we grew up until I got my first and last relationship. I still can't believe you beat his ass like that! *laughs* Maybe I should tell you about the one who had hurt me last year.

*Knock Knock*

Me: Come in.

The door opened and in walked Dr. Brown, Ruby, Andrew, and Dakota. If the tears didn't come before, they sho did now. Dakota came up to me and so, did Andrew. We stood together, holding each other's hand, including Isaiah's, and did a silent prayer. Once we were done, Dr. Brown came over to us.

Dr. Brown: Ms. Morales,..........its time.

Me: (nodded)......I will always love you, Isaiah. (Kissed his forehead)

A & D: We love you, too, bro.

Dr. Brown: (pulled the plug)


Me: (crying my eyes out)

I watched as Ruby grabbed the sheet and began pulling it over his body until he grabbed her wrist.

Ruby: (looked a little frighten) Um, doc.?

Dr. Brown: It's a miracle.

Me: I-Isaiah?

His eyes shifted towards me and he let a smile creep onto his face. He tried to speak but, he just started coughing. I grabbed the water that Andrew just handed me and gave him some.

Me: You just woke up. Let's not ruin the moment with the slick shit you're about to say. *chuckles*

Everyone Else: *lightly laughs*

Isaiah: *smiled*

Dakota: I'm glad that the both of you are awake.

Me: (looked at her) Dustin's awake?

Dakota: *smiled* Yeah.

Me: Where are the babies?

Dakota: They're with him and his family. *rolled her eyes*

Me: *chuckled*

Dakota: Well, I'm about to go back in there. I'm glad to see you're awake, Diablo. (Kissed his cheek /walked out)

Isaiah: Babies?

Andrew: Yeah. She had twins. Bro, when I tell you they are the cutest, they are.

Me: Yeah, they are. But, they are little monsters underneath all that cuteness. *chuckles*

Isaiah: I wanna meet them.

Me: Dr. Brown, is it possible to have my brother rolled into the same room with Mr. Breeding?

Dr. Brown: *smiles* I don't see why not.

He paged in another nurse and the three of them rolled him into Dustin's room, with us following behind. When we entered, sure enough, his brothers and mom was in there and all eyes were on us.

Isaiah: Aye, cuz, bring 'em here.

Dr. Brown adjusted his bed so that he could sit up right and walked out with his nurses right behind him. Then, Dakota brought them over, standing on his left side.

Isaiah: What's their names?

Dakota: This is Milan and her name is Amori.

Isaiah: Hey, little cousins! *waves*

Twins: *waves back* Hi! (Hiding in D's neck)

Us: *laughs*

Dakota: Now, y'all want to be shy? (Shakes her head) Cuz, I want you to meet Dustin. (Points to him)

Dustin: What up?

Isaiah: 'Sup?

Dakota: That's their father and uncles and grandma. Bryan, Carnell, Patrick, Kelly, and Mrs. Breeding.

Them: Hey!

Isaiah: (nods)

Dakota: And this is my cousin, Isaiah.

Carnell: What happened to you, if you don't mind me asking?.

Isaiah: Same as Dustin. Was saving my family.

Carnell: (nodded)

Mrs. Breeding: I still believe it's her fault. (Narrowing her eyes at Da)

We all just looked at her.


In mm: Dustin and Isaiah.

Poor Ali! This is too sad but, tell me whatcha think!

Vote. (+5) Comment. (+5)

P.s.: If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!

And also........go check out my girl, _dec13_'s books. They're really, really, REALLY good!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now