You Serious?! (Pt. II)

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Dakota P.O.V

After that Douche left, I started feeling weird and was beginning to see white dots. I called out to the others and next thing I know it was dark.



"She's waking up."

Me: (slowly opened my eyes)

When I opened my eyes, they landed right on Andrew. He smiled and I returned the gesture. I realized that I was laying on someone and looked up to see that it was Danny. He smiled and I smiled back. I started scooting myself upward so that I could be sitting upright. Once I've accomplished that, I laid my head back and rested it on the wall.

Andrew: You good?

Me: Yeah but, what happened?

Danny: You fainted.

Me: Oh.

Was I could really say. Instead of asking more of what happened, my mind answered all my questions for me.

So, technically I already graduated college, me and Danny had split ways, I moved back to L.A. and started working as a nurse. Then, one day I had gotten a patient who got hurt during a concert and then Ali appeared. When I realized who that patient was, I jumped up and started looking for Dustin.

Isaiah: What's wrong?!

Me: Where's Dustin?

Ali: Dustin? He just left.

Me: Left where?!

Ali: We don't know!

Danny: Why are you asking about him now?

Me: Because, I-(trailed off)

I realized that I was just mad at him. If I tell them why, they'll know I got some of my memory back.

Andrew: Why you askin' about him?

Me: I was just seeing if his ass left or not.

Isaiah: It's not like he just left Florida and went back home. If anything, he's staying at a hotel to stay near the twins.

Me: Yeah...uh huh. As long as he doesn't come near me, we're good. Anyways..I'm going to take nap, like I was supposed to. (Walked away)

This is going to be one hell of a roller coaster.

Dustin P.O.V

Pulling up to the hospital, I cut the engine off, opened the glove compartment and pulled out my gun, tucking it into the back of my pants, and exiting out of the car.

I walked up to the receptionist desk and told her who I was here to see. She told me the room and I was on my way.

I got to the room and stares at the room number.

Me: "B5". *chuckled/shook my head*

Entering the room, I see him laying there, with his head wrapped up and leg, too. Had a few scratches here and there but, not compared to how many he was about to have. I locked his door and closed the blinds and started walking up to his bed, slowly pulled out my gun and used the bud of it and hit him in his gut. His jumped up, grabbing onto his now wounded spot, groaning out in pain. He looked up at me and that's when I seen the fear take over. His skin turned to the color of a ghost. I had to smirk at that.

Jim: D-Dustin? W-What's go-going on-n?

Me: Don't play fucking stupid with me, Jim! You know damn good and well what the fuck is going on! You were trying to kill Dakota! (Aimed my gun at him)

Jim: N-No, I-I wasn't!

Me: So, you wasn't in the fuckin' drivers seat?!

Jim: N-No-(gco)

Me: (cocking my gun)

Jim: Yes! But, believe me when I say this, I am not doing this to hurt any of you. The person that has me doing this is planning to kill my family, too, if I don't!

Me: Who's behind this shit?!

Jim: I don't know who he is but, he says his name is Kh-leo?.

Me: Son of a bitch!

I pulled out my phone and sent Andrew a quick text and put it back into my pocket. He still laid there with fear as he watched my gun. I saw that one little shift in his eyes and felt someone behind me. Turning around, the big motherfucker had a gun pointed directly at my face. Right when he was about to pull the trigger, I pulled mine and watched as the bullet went through his head. Good thing I had my silencer on or else my ass would be going to jail.

I turned back around and told Jim that if he ever tried some shit like that again, he would be the with bullet going through his head.

I took my ass out of his room and headed back to my car. I just need to sleep all of this shit off and that's what I'm about to do.


Short, I know but........Whatcha think?

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P.s.: If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!

Also, check out my new book called Vendetta and tell what you guys think.

And also........go check out my girl, _dec13_ 's books. They're REALLY good and you'll love 'em!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now