I Wonder If.....4

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Dakota & Ali P.O.V

[Dk] I'm in the guest bed w. Ali, well, I guess you can say it's mine since I'm always over here. *Laughs* But, I'm here playing on my phone 'til I fall back to sleep. Then all of sudden the door opens, and guess who it is? [A] My man and Dustin. I knew they wouldn't stay in their room. *Laughs*

They got that sleepy/sexy look on their face and then they get in the bed and just laid between us. Patrick wrapped his arm around me and laid his head on my chest. [Dk] Dustin laid on my chest and I rubbed his head and he wrapped his arm around me and held my hand. [A] They both went back to sleep, well, so did I. [Dk] And, now I'm knocked out.

*20 Minutes Later*

"Look, KC. Who is that?"

"(laughs & claps hands)"

[Dk]: I felt little hands touching my face. I opened my eyes and just smiled.

[Dk:] Hey! (Looked behind me) Where is Ali?

Chyna: In the living room w. Patrick and Dustin. Buutt, what's up w. you and Dustin? *smirks*

[Dk]: *blushes* Nothing. *Chuckles*

Chyna: The cheeks don't blush for "nothing". So what's up?

[Dk]: We're just really good friends.

Chyna: Really good friends my ass. I see the way he looks at you. And when I came in here, he had you wrapped up in his arms AND holding your hand. So.....

[Dk]: God.

Chyna: *smirks* Shall I call him in here?

[Dk]: No! Fine. I like him. Since I've been out there, we've been hanging with each other a lot more and I've been feeling him a lot.

Chyna: *smiling*

[Dk]: And you CANNOT tell him, at all.

Chyna: I won't.

[Dk]: Come here, my little man!

King: *laughs*

Meanwhile, in the hallway.....

[A] Did I just hear, what I thought I heard? My kotabear likes Dustin. I thought he was her rebound, since her and Bryan broke up. Well, damn! I think I'm going to let them do their thing, then.

I hear Chyna and Kota coming and just ran back down the stairs.

Me: Hey!

Dakota: Hey!

Patrick: Where you going?

Dakota: To the club.

Patrick: In work out clothes?

Dakota: Yeah! *Laughing*

Patrick: Um, alright. Do you, boo!

Me/Chyna/Kota: *laughing*

Dakota: I'm going to take King w. me, for a walk.

Chyna: Let me get his stroller.

*2 Minutes Later*

Chyna: Here you go. (Puts K in) See ya', baby! *Kisses him*

[A] Dakota and King left for a walk and Bryan comes out. He looked tired and distraught.

Me: Hey, what's wrong?

Bryan: I'm just tired. Where is everyone else?

Patrick: Tyga and Dustin is downstairs in the studio, Kelly and Carnell is still asleep, and Chyna went upstairs.

Bryan: Oh okay.

I'm shocked he hasn't asked about Dakota. Maybe I shou- No! I'm going to stay out of it, since he blamed me for introducing him to her.

*Door Bell Rings*

Chyna: (yells from upstairs) Could one of you guys get that?

Bryan: (opens the door) Hey.

Kae: Hey, where's Chyna?

Bryan: Upstairs.

Chris: Tyga in the studio?

Bryan: Yeah.

Chris: Coo. Hey y'all!

Me & Patrick: Hey!

Kae & Chyna P.O.V


[Ch]: Ooh girl!

[Ka]: What?

[Ch]: I have to tell you something about Dee!.

[Ka]: What is it?

[Ch]: Ok, so I went to go pick up King from Michael's mom house and I brought him into Dee's room. She's sharing her room with Ali, and I see that Patrick and Dustin were in the bed, too. But, what caught my eye was Dustin and Dee. He had her wrapped up in his arms and holding her hand. It was to cute, that I had to get a picture of them and then another with all 4 of them.

[Ka]: Lemme see!

[Ch]: (shows her the pictures)

[Ka]: Aww! This is too cute! I think they like each other.

[Ch]: Of course they do!

[Ka]: How do you know?

[Ch]: She told me, well, she told me that she is feeling him a lot.

[Ka]: Have you asked him?

[Ch]: No. She doesn't want him to know.

[Ka]: Why? The way they be on each other seems like he already knows.

[Ch]: I don't know. We'll see.

Back Downstairs.....

Bryan P.O.V

I am so tired. I would think I would've gotten some sleep since that bed was so comfortable but I had to much on my mind. It's killing me, to know that the one I've been looking for all my life is messing around with my brother.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now