Finally A Good Ending

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For our last night in Puerto Rico, I decided to give her a picnic on the beach before we go home. Right now, she's getting ready while I put the last finishing touches.


Me: My god, you look so beautiful.

Alejandra: *blushes* Thank you. And you look so damn handsome. *smiles*

Me: *smiles* Thank you.

Alejandra: You're welcome.

Me: You ready?

Alejandra: Yeah.

She put her hand out and I grabbed onto it and pulled her up towards me. We kissed and then headed out.


Me: there's somethings that needs to be done before this dinner is over with.

I stood up and walked up behind her and placed something over her eyes. I walked back in front of her and grabbed my chair and sat in it.

Me: So, you know that we've been together for some years and didn't even know it until recently?

Alejandra: Yeah.

Me: And these two months with you, has been wonderful. But was hoping that we can spend the rest of our lives together.

She cocked her head to the side. I stood up and got down on one knee.

Me: Alejandra Victoria Amari-Amor Reece, will you marry me?

Alejandra: What?

She removed the blind fold and seen me on one knee, holding a box with the diamond ring in it. She was shocked.

Me: Will you marry me?

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Me: Will you marry me?

And of course the water works came. She nodded her head so fast, I thought it was going to fall off. *laughs* I took the ring out of the box and grabbed her hand and slid the ring on. She looked at it in awe and then jumped on me. I kissed her and pulled away.

Me: There's another thing I have to give you.

Alejandra: *sniffles* What is it?

I turned her around to see her brother, cousins and our kids all walking towards us. Then she started crying even more. She hugged each and every one. When she let go of the twins, Amori pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to her. She opened it and read it and turned around to face me.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now